DAP (Department of Anomalous Phenomena)
A covert organization supposedly dedicated to investigating and documenting unexplained and anomalous phenomena, including extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, and mysterious organisms. The DAP is rumored to be transitioning to a public-facing role, aiming to share findings and collaborate with governments worldwide. Think of it as a mix between scientific research and X-Files-level investigations.
Person 1: "What’s the DAP?"
Person 2: "It’s the Department of Anomalous Phenomena. They look into aliens, weird tech, and all kinds of unexplained stuff."
Person 1: "Oh, so like the SCP Foundation?"
Person 2: "Sort of, but DAP claims to be real."
Regulations Department is a department of the Nova Corporation. They are tasked with enforcing the rules of the corporation and are hated by the majority of the community.
Yo, that retard is in Regulations Department, let's bully him.
When you friend say something based or performs something based so you say “Hello? Based Department? And they respond “Lil B speaking” and then you say “is _____ Based?” And they say “yes very based”
1. I just lost my virginity
2. Hello? Based Department?
1. Lil B Speaking!
2. Is this based?
1. Yes, very based
Da first sizeable retail outlet to use price-tags, it was also famous for its "respect for da ladies" policy of preferring not to compel its female employees to perform tasks/duties dat they found either offensive, demeaning, or too difficult/stressful/exhausting.
Wally-World and other big-name superstore chains should take a cue from Don'twannamakeher's Department Store, and treat all of their employees --- both male and female --- with more fairness and dignity.
Department of
Department of Defense,
Department of Health & Human Services
Department of Labor
Department of Agriculture
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Interior
Department of Transportation
Department of Justice
Department of Education
Dept of Housing & Urban Development Department of Homeland Security Department of Energy
Department of Treasury
Department of State
Department of Commerce
U.S. Marine Corps, Department of Navy & Department of the Army. Department of Defense, Department of Natural Resources AKA Blue Heron Nature Center/Keep Jasper County Beautiful BKA Blue Heron Learning Center also a job of the Law of Nature. City of Ridgeland, SCDNR, USMC
Department of Defense, as the U.S. Military Spouse, Military Brat, Military Dependent, Military Cadet and Civilian Military
the most corrupt department in scp corrupt roleplay. they banned every single 3rd overseer because BIAS. SO corrupt.
Bro did you hear about the ITD (Internal redacted department)? They're so corrupt.
when someone has an ass thicker than the sun 100 times over again.
dude 1: did you see that girl over there?
dude 2: no, why?
dude 1: Because she was hung in the ass department, you should have seen it every time she took a step her ass jiggled and caused a shockwave.