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Pilgrim’s Boot

Taking “Das Boot” to the face post-Thanksgiving feast and proceeding to puke all over the family dining table.

“Ever since Normandy, Grandpa Wallace has done the pilgrim’s boot at every Thanksgiving dinner.. I think he took i t too far this year after he puked in Grandma Lenora’s ashes.”

by notgrandpawallace November 17, 2017

Ass pilgrim

One who has performed anal sex on someone for the first time. (First time for the recipient.

Sarah finally let me put it in her {ass}. I'm officially her ass pilgrim

by Pylesdriver February 1, 2017

Pilgrim fart

A term coined in 2021 describing a mid-thirties firefighter that cums in his toliet at above average volumes. See also, Danal String...

Danny, you’re a Pilgrim Fart!

by DixonCash March 6, 2021

Pilgrim face

homely, basic looking. two eyes and a nose, the end.

yo, she looks like she just got off the mayberry. homely, aka mormon face, you look like bread dough. is that lip gloss or butter? she is a pilgrim face, not my type at all but she can def serve my tea.

by Cat a clysm May 18, 2021