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Stalker Pause

The period that someone waits after seeing something new on facebook, so that they wont seem like a stalker.

Guy 1: Yo, I saw you "liked" her picture, about 15 seconds after she put it up. She totally thinks you're a stalker.

Guy 2: Really?

Guy 1: Yeah, but I used a 20 minute Stalker Pause, so I'm going on a date with her Friday.

by MickeyHess March 11, 2011

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Nostalgia Stalker

A person who continues to re-live their past by using social media sites like Facebook to find out what their old classmates and friends have been up to despite not having spoken to them since graduation.

Sally knew all about her ex best friend, Lacy because she had been her nostalgia stalker since they friended each other on Facebook.

by gdbrenan July 12, 2010

Stalker Alert

The word is used to alert or warn a friend during a conversation that the other person will end up as your stalker or maybe already your stalker. Its mainly a presumption which is based on the over - fluttering tone of the person towards your friend.

Bucky: Hey girls what are you doinn? I think class is over.
Kelsey: We are just packing up.
Julia: Kelsey "I have to go to market today so i can't drop you".
Bucky: Don't worry i can drop you Kelsey.
Kelsey: Its alright i can go by my own.
Bucky: I insist Kelsey. By the way you look great. You really look like an angel in this dress.
Julia: Stalker Alert (In Kelsey ears).

by Reet Awwsum July 2, 2013

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Locker Stalker

1)A person who stalks individuals directly next to or near where their locker happens to be situated.
2)A creeper who corners an unsuspecting person innocently trying to retrieve books and other necessities out of their locker. The said person cannot leave until they get their books together and secure their lock. This gives the locker stalker ample time to start a conversation and give the unfortunate victim a hug. During this interaction the victim is trying to figure out if they have ever even met the locker stalker.

Kala: "Ciara is such a locker stalker!"
Jody: "I know, she hugs that poor freshman every time he stops at his locker."
Ciara: "I got his number today!!"
Jody and Kala: "locker stalker!"

by Kala H. December 19, 2008

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Profile Stalker

Someone who browses the internet scouring social network sites for pictures of people they find attractive. They will often save their profile picture to a private file on their computer and fantasize about them.

Statistically 4/5 people are unknown victims of profile stalkers!

As for the other 1/5.... well, they are the profile stalkers.

A profile stalker often sends at least 10 friend requests a day and will prey on unsuspecting victims. They ususally have about 2000-3000 so called 'friends' on Facebook.

by heypresto December 13, 2010

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Stalker Sarah

Stalker Sarah (SarahMonline) is a teenage girl who 'stalks' celebrities and gets her picture with them. She is said to have met over 200 celebrities in the last 4 years, and some celebrities she has met over 20 times. (eg. One Direction)
Sarah Stalker trended on twitter on the 28/01/2012 for around 4 hours, as she got kicked out of the LAX airport for supposedly pushing over One Direction fans.

Stalker Sarah, in all of her photos, has medium length-brown hair with a rounded fringe to her eyebrows, round (circle) glasses and the same smile for every photo, giving the illusion she was photo shopped into the photos, when she was indeed, not.

Sarah: No, I want to meet them
Girl: You've already met them
Sarah: So
Boy: Stalker Sarah

by OneDirectionsBiggestFan January 28, 2012

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Stalker squad

Term used to refer to the Sydney based group of fanboys Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, and Calum Hood. Known on the internet from meeting celebrities from all over the world in their hometown of Sydney, Australia and for excessive number of celebrity follows on their personal Twitter accounts.

Have you seen who the Stalker Squad met today? Kim Kardashian!

I'm so jealous of the Stalker Squad, they met my favourite band!

by Blondhes April 15, 2016