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Nic Cardinal

Nic Cardinal is a menace to society. He doesn't care about social norms, and does whatever he wants on the daily. In terms of the size of his genetalia, he is isn't quite there yet. Although he is in good shape, he lacks any athletic abilities, and is very short, despite always claiming he is growing. On the other hand, he commits to everything he does, and is an all around great guy, who has a kink for elderly women.

Nic Cardinal flashed my grandma yesterday!?

by Alex Huggies December 20, 2021

cardinal ohara

cardinal ohara is the move if you don’t go there then wyaa? y’all can’t compete with something yall school can’t compare with!

Cardinal ohara gets down , they don’t play !!

by Aslhey January 6, 2024

Cardinal Mooney Highschool

Quite possible the gayest combination of cum guzzling wanna-be-rich kids. Encounters with Mooney kids include Failed athletes, sub 3 Gpa's, no bitches, white claw gladiators, feins, and the flatest most ratchet girls to exist.

Q: Oh you go to Cardinal Mooney Highschool?

A: Ya what about it?
Q: Fuck you....

by Macaroni and Miller October 6, 2021

Northern Cardinal

The northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a songbird that is known for its bright red plumage in males. It can be found in many habitats, including urban parks, deciduous forests, and backyards. It is common in the eastern United States and Midwest, and extends into Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

Person 1: Hey, did you see the Northern Cardinal picture I sent you?

Person 2: Yeah! It looked so cool!

by qwertyuiopfunnimonke August 3, 2024

Northern Cardinal

The northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a songbird that is known for its bright red plumage in males. It can be found in many habitats, including urban parks, deciduous forests, and backyards. It is common in the eastern United States and Midwest, and extends into Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

Person 1: Hey, did you see the Northern Cardinal picture I sent you?

Person 2: Yeah, it looked so cool

by qwertyuiopfunnimonke August 3, 2024

cardinal drinker

A cardinal drinker is part of an elite group of drinkers who had to go through a series of strenuous test to achieve this level of fuckery. Don't drink against them because your night will end very badly

Jake: Did you hear one of clints friends challenged Zach to a drink off?

Buck: Yea you can tell he didn't know he was a cardinal drinker Or he would have planned on ending up in that trash can

by BeerChugger April 6, 2016

Large cardinal axiom

A type of axioms of set theory stating a certain kind of “large” infinite cardinal(s) exists. This “large” is not in a sense that n+1 is larger than n, rather like that YHWH being transcendence of us. All known examples are “for now not inconsistent” with ZF(C), and climbing up higher in the hierarchy of large cardinals means gaining more consistency strength in the proper way. Well-knowns are: inaccessible, weekly compact, 0#, measurable, supercompact, and so on.

I proved at late last night the statement is actually consistent! What? Yeah, relative to a large cardinal axiom, of course.

by Zoe Soirée June 5, 2023