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Emperor Norton

Emperor Norton (1818-1880) was a resident of San Francisco and self proclaimed Emperor of the United States and later on was the Protector of Mexico.

Born in England in 1818, Norton would spend most of his early years in South Africa. He would then move to San Francisco in late 1849. Norton then became a trader and real estate speculator, and was also one of the wealthier residents in the city. However, he became destitute when he attempted to corner the rice market.

Soon after, Norton decided to proclaim himself Emperor of the United States. He issued various edicts which included dissolving the US Congress, building a bridge in San Francisco, and creating a “League of Nations”.

Soon, people treated Emperor Norton as if he were an actual emperor. They would formally greet him, accept his own imperial currency, and even the Police would salute him.

In fact, the King of Hawaii, Kamehameha V, would recognize Emperor Norton as the sole ruler of the United States.

Emperor Norton was also considered a very progressive man, attempting to peacefully stop an Anti-Chinese riot. He was also very friendly by those who met him.

Eventually, Emperor Norton would pass away on January 8th, 1880. His Funeral was paid for by the Pacific Club, and 10,000 people showed up to pay their respects.

"… he had shed no blood; robbed no one; and despoiled no country; which is more than can be said of his fellows in that line".
- Quote by the Daily Atla Newspaper about Emperor Norton

by CheeseCakeFries June 29, 2021

King Emperor Sammy

King Emperor Sammy rules the world. He is an international playboy and what he says goes. He is very rich and can buy the world. He is Catholic. He also knows that Michael Jordan is better than LeBron.

All hail King Emperor Sammy!!

by LordSammy October 11, 2022

Emperor Chaz

Incredible human who is good at everything and must be protected at all costs

Luke: oh shoot did emperor Chaz just walk in the room?


by RamenNoodlezzz October 10, 2021

Emperor Vadim

Emperor Vadim is always the smartest and most intelligent person in the family no matter what.

Person1: You know Katia, she is the smartest person I know
Person2: Her brother is Emperor Vadim, so she is definitely not the smartest.

by Gypsy Arthur July 2, 2022


self absorbed person obsessed with cats (and one cat in particular, called Maru)

Mugumogu hasn't updated her blog. wise-emperor is not amused by this. wise-emperor needs it's Maru

by ohcomeonthisonetakenaswell March 8, 2014

Emperor Scott

Hahahahahahahaha! Remember that!? Remember when I said that!? Ha!

Hym "I didn't think Emperor Scott would ever leave! Hahahaha!"

by Hym Iam March 30, 2023

Rice Emperor

A drunk fucker:
A person who over drinks like an emperor and usually fucks people over. Rice is an idiom for fucking from the Chinese 炒飯 which can be used as both a verb (to fry rice) or a noun (fried rice.) It is used in China and Taiwan to mean sex or have sex.

Did you hear what Jamie did last night? He slashed his mother's tires. He's a real rice emperor.

by LastNameFirstName July 21, 2022