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ladies and gentlemen, we gottem.

used in meme compilations, like REALLY used in them often paired with the song "baby i'm yours" in normal or earrape.

Guy 1: hey dude, Joe is really cool
Guy 2: who's Joe?
Guy 3: starts playing Baby i'm yours
Guy 3: Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem.
Guy 1: *long breath* J O E M A M A
Guy 2: *is defeated*

by SpookyD00D October 9, 2019

Dirty gentlemen

A disgusting cocktail that’s only consumed by the most elite among us.

Red Bull & top shelf gin

Joey had 4 dirty gentlemen last night and slept with your mother

by tonytim January 26, 2020

Gentlemen Point

The term that means to give a point to a gentlemen when he does something nice for someone. Points can be given out and taken away.

J: Selena he opened the door for you!
S: Gentlemen Point

by okokokokokokoko October 11, 2012

gentlemen never sail to windward

"nice-guys don't go for anal"

Chantal: I thought gentlemen never sail to windward.
Rodriguez: I'm no gentleman, baby.

by Carl Figleaf August 15, 2022

snappy gentlemen

The snappy gentleman is a a clapping fart it claps as it leaves the anus making a smacking effect. Best achieved while sitting on a hard chair or surface. A mild sent but can go all the way to a horrible stench.

"Who just pulled that snappy gentlemen!"

by Edwina rose April 12, 2022