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Vancouver Talmud Torah

a shitty school that abuses its students (someone seriously shut down this school please)

"Have you heard of the school Vancouver Talmud Torah? It deserves to burn in hell along with all of its staff."

by russiantankgun256 November 20, 2022

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vancouver island marmot

marmotvery andangered, cute, fuzzy,

by You could probably guess May 31, 2003

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West Vancouver Secondary School

The most diverse White school you will ever see.
Most attending used to be foreign at one point in their lives but succumbed to the white clichés such as obsessive facebook use and creation of drama at one wrong glance at the wrong person.
Those who delude themselves into believing haven't turned "white-wash", although they express these actions daily, spend large amounts of effort sticking to one group and ignoring all others such as the Korean, Chinese, German, Persian and so on groups.
West Vancouver Secondary "gangsters" consist of mainly individuals who think they’re tough, pretend they're street and act like they work selling drugs everyday and they've seen things that would scar you for life.
Right. We’re all aware your daddy bought you those “gangsta clothes” and your "badass" drug trade originated from the British Properties. I’ve seen worse than that on my way to the bus stop.

Student classes are set into two different divisions. The Regular students, and the IB students.

The difference between regular students and IB students, is if in IB, everyone in regular assumes your freaking brilliant.
Even in the early stages of grade 10 when IB isn’t even that much harder than regular, your report card score might as well go up 30%.
“He got a 60% average? Oh but he’s in IB so it must be like a 90 in regular.”
Not that the IB students are rushing to correct them.
But unlike the common high school drama, no group is really considered to be “popular” but instead labelled –rightly- as preps. Because everyone else, doesn’t really have a drive to be a prep. They have something that separates them from that. Ambition.

Not that it matters especially, because it’s not what you know, it’s what you inherit.

"If you're going to West Vancouver Secondary School, you better be loaded. Or at least act like it."

by Dammit Earth January 8, 2009

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Vancouver's fourth pillar problem

An erection problem among athletes. Referring to the fourth pillar who didn't get up during Vancouver's opening ceremony.

Athlete #1: "I can't believe I didn't even make it up to the top ten... Worst thing is, I've been stuck with the Vancouver's fourth pillar problem"

Athlete #2: "Yeah VFPP happens to all of us, don't worry with that, it will pass!"

by christianc February 16, 2010

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Vancouver bus line up

A potentially friendly or social situation in which everybody stays as far away from each other as possible in order to avoid social contact.

This is a common scene in Vancouver, Canada at a bus stop, where 20 people will be standing as far apart from each other in a random pattern. Apparently afraid they might accidentally make friends with other people, these folks maintain a healthy personal space bubble of at least 10 feet.

I went to the networking event, but it was a total Vancouver bus line up situation, so I left.

by Vancouverguy January 11, 2011

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Vancouver Vacuum Cleaner

A sexual act in which a large number of men ejaculate upon a glass table. A woman participant then cleans off the table by sucking up the ejaculate.

Yo, I went to my first orgy yesterday and we ended it with a Vancouver Vacuum Cleaner! It was awesome!

by JaquesLeCoques September 15, 2010

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Fort Vancouver Drama Club

Fort Vancouver High School Drama Club is a club full of kids who are gay, straight, bi-sexual, and every other thing you can imagine. Only one problem. They are all white. So there might be the occasional kid from Guam who comes in, but 99% of them are in fact white.

If you are at Fort Vancouver and don't know who they are, look for the kids who are sitting in front of room 316, the drama room, in the morning. Some will have shirts that say "Shakespeare is my Homeboy". They also may be singing or speaking in English accents.

Twice a year, Fort Drama puts on a school play. Everyone in the play is forced by our drama teacher to wear their costume and stage makeup too all their classes on openining night. This a.) advertises the play and b.) proves drama kids have no shame.

"Hey, join Fort Vancouver Drama Club. We meet every thursday after school in room 316 at 2:15! We accept EVERYBODY so you should join!"

by theatergeek317 July 1, 2009

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