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Russian Waterfall

A Russian Waterfall is the situation when you gotta pee and your girl is peeing you just pee between her legs as she is sitting and peeing as well

Sally would't hurry up in the damn bathroom so i gave her the Russian Waterfall treatment

by Tamey January 10, 2012

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chunky waterfall

Noun - The act of getting a blowjob and the girl/guy throws up on your dick.

Verb - To give someone a chunky waterfall (see above)

"Hey Trent, I'm so hungover right now. Don't make me blow you or I might give you a chunky waterfall."

by schoolglue1234 September 6, 2014

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Urban Waterfall

A constant flow of rainwater caused by overflowing spouting and/or guttering.

most commonly seen in schools and blocked gutters.

-"What a skody school"
-"I know their such a beautiful freak of nature"
-"what are?"
-"urban waterfalls"

by SAMTHEMAN177 June 15, 2010

Milky Waterfall

When you are about to cum, you pinch your foreskin and hold it, and and then let go when you done cuming, it should just pour out.

when you look at a girl and milky waterfall on her face

by jeessis12312312 May 19, 2011

Belgian waterfall

Chundering up large amounts of Stella Artois (a Belgian beer), to give the impression of a waterfall

"Ahhhhh mate, Jake has had way too much Stella, look at that Belgian Waterfall

by jakestar99 June 3, 2017

The Frozen Waterfall

When a dude finishes in his hand and immediately slaps his load across the side of the girls head into her hair. Thus giving the visualization of a beautiful frozen waterfall.

Joe was so proud of the frozen waterfall he just gave Susan, that he invited his buddies in to check it out.

by scheMATTics October 4, 2011

Egyptian Waterfall

The egyptian waterfall is a sex act/prank/home defense system where a man ejaculates down a flight of stairs. This causes the semen to slowly cascade down the steps like it were a waterfall.

Tom: Hey some guy pulled an egyptian waterfall at the frat house last night. It made the stairs all slippery!

by Tomathy Walkens April 25, 2018