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Drop Wiener

{Verb}- The act of tryin' to get some. The term can be used by both male and female.

"Yo man, see that dime over there? I'm tryna drop wiener tonight."

by falooner September 21, 2011

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wiener brain

Another way of saying "dickhead". It can be used in situations where cursing is frowned upon. ie - certain people in the office, in front of grandma, in front of children

"Dad, Johnny keeps stealing my crayon."
"Johnny, stop taking his crayons and quit being a wiener brain!"

"Did you meet your sister's new boyfriend?"
"Yeah, he seems like a real... (granny stares) wiener brain."

by JJGene December 14, 2011

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Wiener Pants

A nickname usually given to males who are described to have a small penis.

'Dude, did you see that guy over their? Hes such a wiener pants!'

by Kyle Rodrick February 18, 2009

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Greener Wiener

The Greener Wiener is a subtle, effective, and nutritious sexual position, involving a penis, an orifice capable of absorbing vegetables, and pure joy. To perform, take what was once a normal session of ravaging anal sex and remove your penis from your partner, reach for (preferably fresh local and organic) broccoli and firmly shove it up their ass. Be sure to insert tree side first. Once broccoli is inserted far into the anal canal, reinsert penis for a tight session of beautiful anal sex, rich in Vitamin A.

Do you broccoli?

How about my Greener Wiener?

by greenween August 19, 2009

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wiener lover

Someone who just loves the wiener(male penis).

josh cannot get enough of that wiener......josh is a wiener lover

by majed October 29, 2007

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wiener cramp

The wiener is a muscle, and like all muscles of the body it can sometimes from lack of proper stretching techniques or dehydration, suffer from muscle cramps.

I was out for a jog with my girlfriend, and while jogging behind her I suffered a wiener cramp. I should have properly stretched before my run.

by mr. lz February 9, 2009

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Wiener Pack

All males packed into a car or truck

Did you see that truck had a wiener pack in it?

by Qwn Bee 521 May 14, 2010

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