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Witness Brotection

Lying to someone your bro doesnt want to talk to about the whereabouts of said bro

"Yo, dude your ex called. She wants you to pay child support."

"Oh man, put me in Witness Brotection, say I'm in Africa with some missionaries or something."

by Cpt. Panda March 15, 2009

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1.a person of subnormal intelligence

2.One who lacks the intelligence of the "normal" sector of the human population; even so cannot handle the most mundane of tasks due to the lack of common sense and intelligence

3.a person lacking common sense, a person who lacks good sense or judgment ,a stupid incompetent person

1.Holy titty fuck,he is such a half-wit that he couldn't find himself in a mirror!

2.You are a half-wit.Period.

by zingeraddict May 29, 2011

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Without Witness

noun. a rock trio consisting of three gentlemen who enjoy writing creative, original songs

Did you hear the debut album from "Without Witness"? I found it on iTunes.

by musicfanatic99 December 13, 2012

Chill wit it

a ridiculously catchy phrase/saying that can be used in multiple circumstances basically meant to inform another individual to live life with a relaxed mentality, not to take things to seriously (shit happens, this too shall pass, in the end as long as you have your health life will be alright), also in essence its a phrase that takes on numerous connotations.

Making people laugh too hard "chill wit it"

If you are having a deep conversation with someone and youre trying to lighten to mood throw in the quick "chill wit it"

*thunderstorm* this rain needs to chill wit it.

yo chill wit it

*friend tells a joke or makes you laugh*... *laughter ensues* "CHILL WIT IT" (instead of using lmao or lol)

did I seriously just a flat tire chill wit it

This kid was trying to make me pay $200 for his used Jordans chill wit it

by Shaan DonJuan June 5, 2013


Someone who is being very stupid in the moment and can’t live.

You are being a dumb-wit

by It’s ur bestie November 7, 2019

fuck wit

Person of low intelligence, retard

You are such a fuck wit!!

by Your name: July 10, 2003

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Jehovah's Witness

A group of people who's faces are flat from getting doors slammed in their faces.

Jehovah's Witness: Ouch, my face feels like Kansas.

by slatte November 10, 2006

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