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nie ma za co

nie ma za co is a polish form of you're welcome in english.

- Dziekuje! (Thank you!)
- Nie ma za co!

by Marikamabzika September 27, 2006

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Co Za Asy

A Polish phrase whose translation is unknown, but is generally translated as "fail". It could also be used exclusively when someone Polish fails at something, or the fail involves Poland.

Jack: Dude, guess what?
Ben: What?
Jack: The Polish mover guy just broke our window trying to move our couch!
Ben: Co za asy!

by CozAAsy March 2, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Co za asy

A sentence, used in one of ray william johnson's videos. it is polish and means something like: how genius! in an ironic way. but most of the people dont know what it means and just write it as comment under nealry every video. now it is way over used, you can find it everywhere!

A comment from a video about a cute kitteh:
Co za asy .........

by Minsyaa March 9, 2011

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co za asy

the term means "he is an ace" in polish
this phrase is now a youtube sensation from a comment on the polish army man getting his hat shot down. It was poopularized by RayWilliamJohnson on his video DANCE DANCE DANCE.

*video of an impossible shot or perfect aim*

2 minutes later :
comments page: 300 comments of co za asy

by LaitsGo March 5, 2011

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Co Za Asy

Polish for "What an ace". Indicates an epic fail.

Guy 1: Dude, did you see that couch fall from the roof?
Guy 2: Co za asy.

by TheDoubleJ February 28, 2011

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co za asy

A word used as a substitution of the word "fail", usually said as its own sentance. pronounced (koa zah AH-See)

Daniela-10 + 13 = 27 right...?
Andrew-co za ASY

by Co za yo moma ;) March 9, 2011

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Co Za Asy

An awesome meme started by RWJ on one of his episodes "Get A Job". It roughly translates to "What an ace" and it widely found on popular youtube videos.

Dude 1: Dood I burned my toast.

Dude 2 : Co Za Asy....

by SomeAwesomeMothafkerxD March 13, 2011

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