A shitehole created when God took a massive shite 13 miles from Scumdee. It stinks of chicken shit from the chicken factory which is run by foreigners as all the native Coupar Angus people are pissed on buckfast and cheap drugs. Which can be found in the Premier corner shop. It also sells fake airpods which are just normal. earphones with the wire cut off. All native residents are either NEDs or CHAVS In short avoid this town.
Coupar Angus what a junkie shitehole it's full of NEDs
when a man has a much saught after penis, good dick!
" i dont understand why everyone sweats kelvin?"
" oh I hear he's slinging angus"
Angus the skinhead lukemia patient with a micro penis covered with thick pubes
Dude i got drunk last night and fucked Angus Clark worst mistake ever is was like bouncing on a thick bush of pubes with no dick
An Angus McWhirter is
(a) a regular on 70s children's tv show, along side host Roy Castle and twin brother, Norris.
(b) rhyming slang meaning, making a woman squirt whilst in the throws of anal sex.
Blimey, I rogered the missus so hard up the log flume she did an Angus
Angus McWhirter
When you fart so hard your balls explode
"This game is gonna make me balls angus"
Quality of a guitar player who starts increasing his onstage bravado by using a variation of one of the trademark moves made known by the one an only Angus Young of AC/DC.
Jeff: Did you go to the Killswitch Engage concert last night?
Rick: Fo shizzle, Adam D started pulling an angus onstage when they played My Curse.
Jeff: He better be careful...or his back will be even more fucked up than an emo kid at a Deicide concert.
An oddly female like male, either bodily wise or action wise.
'The other day I spotted a phat ass, but when they turned around it was Tom'
'Tbh i think hes just an aunty angus''