Source Code

Binary Fix

In the instance that any kind of electronic device fails to work (i.e. a computer, printer, photocopier, etc) where the resolution is to ensure that steps are followed to achieve simple operation (i.e. Turning it on, replacing the batteries, or installing a power cable). Specifically, this is change a device from a state of nothingness to a state of completion or back by way of any single step.

"The printer required a binary fix"

"The power button required a binary fix"

"The ink cartridge was depleted and needed to be replaced. It was a binary fix."

by Whimsy October 20, 2008

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

non binary butt

a non binary person's buttocks

phil gets more non binary butt than a unisex toilet seat ugh

by BoyScoutsOfAmerica September 25, 2022

1432πŸ‘ 312πŸ‘Ž

Non binary

Non binary is a term used for anyone outside the gender binary. It can also be reffered to as NB or Enby. These people of often use they/them but may also use neopronouns such as xe/xem or ve/ver. They could also use it/its pronouns

Non binary isn't the same as agender as agender people are out of the gender spectrum entirely. While NB people just dont idenify as a boy or a girl (which are the binary genders ). But identitys such as bigender,pangender or gender fluid fall under the NB umbrella as they identify with more than one gender.

Genders such as gender faun or gender fay are also under the NB umbrella as they fluctuate to being enby and being in the gender binary. Demi girls and Demi boys only parcally identify as NB and many of them use she/they or he/they pronouns but can use she/xe or he/ver or any other neopronoun and it/its.

Here are some Non binary peoples intros

Hi,i'm Luci I am enby and use they/them pronouns,but you can also refer to me using neopronouns.

Hi,i'm amy i'm gender fay and I currently am using she/her pronouns , but they may change.

Hi,i'm ghost i'm agender and use it/its and ghost/ghostself pronouns.

Hi,i'm alex and i am pangender and use all pronouns.

Hi,i'm jason im agender and dont have pronouns and am only reffered to as my name. ( as in: Jason rode Jasons' bike to the shop)

by HiitsfenkinLuci July 27, 2021

15πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

Binary Grip Grinders

Fictional (or is it?) auto part that gives engine maximum torque velocity squared with the distance to provide ultimate heat-ness for shreddin'

Just tuned up my binary grip grinders, now the Toyota Supra Classic with Dual overhead cams and spoilers is ready to rip down this joint!

by Mike Kim April 16, 2008

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

binary gender

The gender of "Binary" means that you do not identify as "male" or "female". You fall in the LGBT community if you are binary. While using pronouns in reference to them, you call them, "Them", or as "that person". NOT "That" or "It". Regardless of their gender, they may still be attracted to the opposite gender.

You may also wish to see, Zge.

binary gender
*Binary person stands in distance*
Guy 1: Dude, look at her! She's hot!
Guy 2: Dude!! You mean to say, "Look at them. That is a good looking person. They're binary.

by Ben Carraway October 15, 2015

58πŸ‘ 627πŸ‘Ž


Pronoun they/them.

Jake: Oh hey look at chad over there!
Anna: He’s non-binary, use they them.
Jake: Oh, they are cute.

by ur local pansexual June 13, 2019

24πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

Brandeis Binary Scale

The fact that girls at Brandeis don't fit a normal distribution, but a Bernoulli distribution when rated.
1 and 0. Fuckable or not.

Yeah man. It is impossible to rate girls at Brandeis. Over there, there is a binary scale. 1 and 0, either you want to fuck her or not. Famous as the Brandeis Binary Scale.

by theboogeyboogeyman February 14, 2018