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bad back brigade

A member of the scrounging classes who refuses to work, the reason for which is due to having a "bad back" from a mysterious work-related accident that didn't actually happen. A dole scrounger, a lazy git who will not work.

Typical bad back brigade member: "I've got a bad back so I can't work".

by spunko2020 January 9, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prawn Sandwich Brigade

A term coined by Roy Keane, the Manchester United (football club) Captain at the time. It refers to the 'fans' that go to watch United play at Old Trafford but who actually know nothing about football or United and are only there because United are a very successful team and they want to jump on the social bandwagon of supporting Manchester United.
They will hardly cheer the team on, barely watch the game and be more interested in eating the prawn sandwiches at half-time in the posh player's lounge or wherever (hence the name). They are a minority of United fans, it has to be added, but there are still quite a lot of them.
They will also usually be middle-class and social-climbers, and they are sometimes referred to as the P.S.B

Q. What do you call the glory-supporting, bandwagon-jumping-on socialites that know nothing about football and Manchester United but still go to the games?

A. The Prawn Sandwich Brigade.

by Alice Maria December 17, 2007

175๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

basic bitch brigade

A group of females that are all wearing north face jackets, black leggings, and ugg boots.

Chris: "Yo Jordan, check out those bitches that are dressed the same, drinkin' starbucks, and looking at instagram on their iphones"

Jordan: "Oh shit, it's the basic bitch brigade!"

Pat: "Shots?"

by geeked April 7, 2014

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Top 40 Brigade

The shallow, unimaginative, morons who only listen to top 40 chart music, and live with the weird belief that popularty equals musical talent.

You can spot these complete and utter wankers from a mile away. In America they would usually be Jocks and Preppys, in Britain, they are usually middle class chavs. Generally anybody who follows trends like a religion in order to gain friends, and because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

Whenever a new song (usually some god awfull corporate pop or radio friendly psuedo hip hop) reaches a high possition in the charts, the Top 40 Brigade will play it through their tinny mobile phone speakers for around 2 weeks, after that the song becomes "old", and therefore crap in their eyes.

Top 40 Brigadier: Hey listen to this new song by (insert generic mainstream crap here).

Intelligent person: That is total garbage.

Top 40 Brigadier: Shut up man, it must be good if it got into the top 40.

Intelligent person: Top 40 is nothing but corporate bullshit telling what to think in order to make more money. Now you can continue to listen to that all you want, but im going to listen to some Led Zeppelin.

Top 40 Brigadier: Who the fuck is Led Zeppelin, they sound like some emo band.

Intelligent person: How dare you *punch*, take that you stupid Top 40 brigade cunt.

by Oh that dog of mine August 8, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue light brigade

(S. Afr.) VIP protection motorcade.

Blue light brigades consist of between five and twenty black SUVs with tinted windows and flashing blue lights, depending on the overinflation of the ego of the obnoxious fatcat contained therein.

Blue light brigades have been known to force honest taxpaying motorists off the road or even shoot at them. They don't stop a traffic lights, drive in emergency lanes and break every possible traffic law.

In South Africa, the proper road etiquette when encountering one is to drive into their lane and block them for as long as possible without endangering your own vehicle, hoot repeatedly and wind down your window to give them the finger. You should also politely request all your passengers to give them the finger too.

I almost got rammed by a blue light brigade the other day. There were 20 vehicles in it, so it must have been Jacob Zuma or someone. I blocked him for 15 seconds and gave him the finger though.

by George McBob May 7, 2009

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red hat brigade

Colloquialism for attendees of IndyCar events, identifiable by the red hats they wear, who did not pay for their tickets and who are only attending because Marlboro had sent them free tickets vouchers in the mail; each Marlboro 'guest' gets a red hat when they exchange their voucher for a ticket at the track.

The crowd at that last crapwagon race was pathetic! The track has 100,000 seats but the place was only quarter full of gomers, if that, and most of those were members of the red hat brigade!

by BigIRLfan May 16, 2009

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The Black Pants Brigade

A term used to describe a theoretical group of women across the globe who feel individually compelled to wear black pants in an attempt to minimize the visual impact of their own fleshy pulchritude.

As a longstanding member of The Black Pants Brigade, I recently found the freedom to toss the black pants and began wearing neon lime green pants instead!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 9, 2021

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