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Omar Cage

1. To be over pushed in any sensible form.
2. An uncharismatic male who disengages from entertainment; an entertainment sapper.

Eg. 1)

Connor: Yo, that mf jobber is pulling an Omar Cage
Eg. 2)
Connor: Dry ass mf, quit acting like Omar Cage

by Jeffjaff_Towers August 21, 2022

tossing the cage

A fit of extreme laughter in which one's face goes red and one's vocal cords freeze up. The term "tossing the cage" refers to the spasms of the diaphragm and ribcage that occur during extreme laughter.

Man 1: Yo, that mans deadass tossing the cage right now?!
Man 2: It wasn't even that funny!

by Oxford Dictionary (II Edition) March 30, 2017

sleeping cage

An honest description of a baby crib.

OK baby, want to go in your sleeping cage for a nappy?

by BrocktonDave July 11, 2017

Nick Caging

The act of stealing the declaration of independence (usually in a form of Heist).

Bob:"yo you wanna go nick cage the declaration of independence"?

Jeff:"nah mom said i gotta do homework".

Bob:"damn i really wanted to go Nick Caging".

by 0Dark April 30, 2020

Cage Test

Same as "Screen Test". It's when cops are transporting a suspect/criminal in the back of their cruiser and they slam on the brakes so that the suspect's face slams into the cage that separates the front seats from the back. If the suspect's face doesn't get cut, he passed the cage test, if it does get cut, he fails. Two cops told me about this... True Story. Horrible, but true.

"Hey fellow officer, let's slam on our brakes to see if the guy in the back passes the cage test or not." "Duh, okay. Hahahaha, I bet he won't pass the cage test."

by answersavvy June 24, 2015

Cage Rage

When the sight or thought of Nicholas Cage enrages you so much that you feel the need to punch the first person you see in the face.

Shit man, why'd you punch me in the face?

Because I just watched Con Air and got a mean case of Cage Rage!

by Casa De Ramson April 23, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fish cage

An aquarium.

"I think I have 5 reptile tanks and a fish cage in the garage."

by Filterbox January 16, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž