A play on the phrase as old as time “Friends With Benefits” except if the person is the exact opposite, I mean like, Polar Opposites.
David is such a Drunk With Disorders
Short for Deez Nuts disorder lmao
1: Bro, I think you might have DN Disorder...
2: What's that?
1: Deez Nuts Disorder lol gottem
A disorder which manifested in a person who believes they are always right, casually plagiarises and sucks off youtubers, commonly used phrasing is burster energy as in someone has burster energy, example being burster himself.
Drake: bro I think your content sucks but like I make the exact same thing
Burster: no my content is really high quality & original
Jo: bro you’re emitting great amounts of Burster Energy have you got Burster Disorder?
The word “Palavaisticitionarysyndrom Disorder”
(1) is when you’re over addicted over games that your body wouldnt want to move or do anything other than your hands on the controller or
(2) Could also mean you’re dumb as hell on a Call of Duty game and should never play it again, not even a Medal of Honor.
(1) “Hey Jim! This guy has Palavaisticitionarysyndrom Disorder!! Sort him out quick!
(2) “Laugh my ass off, this kid ha Palavaisticitionarysyndrom Disorder and seriously needs to f**k off and do one
When you can't stop dabbing and its just natural for you
he cant stop dabbing. He probably has a dab disorder
A chronic condition wherein a person; usually a coworker, takes advantage of any assistance they can get. Lunsford Disorder worsens as the subject notices they can slowly defer their job tasks to you. Currently, there is no known cure.
So I’m busy working the other day. Then Kevin showed up and said a few things, asked some questions, next thing you know I’m doing his shit for him, detailing his truck, and picking up his dry cleaning downtown. I think he has Lunsford Disorder.
I suffer from a sex disorder, meaning I fuck anything, even a piece of paper. I refuse to go to rehab because I'll just fuck everyone there anyway. I'm a bit shocked that I'm not pregnant yet since I don't use condoms. I must fuck you to cure my disorder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kenzie can't go to rehab because she has a sex disorder.