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The 3P's of Performance Excellence

The 3P's are defined as;

People, Process and Product.

These are Essential Elements towards Achievement and Sustainment of Performance Excellence

Life is all about People, going through a Process delivering a Product that is ultimately measured between the date they were born until they die. "The Dash" (The 3P's of Performance Excellence)

by The G.R.I.P. Master July 1, 2024

Vydehi School of Excellence

A place which no kid in Bangalore likes, because it is just another form of concentration camp!

Lalith: HI Kuvam macha!
Kuvam: Hi Lalith! So nice to meet you. I am from Vydehi School of Excellence!
Lalith: Its hurts!!
Sharma: I hope we never met!
Kuvam: Anju the serial killer is my class teacher!
Sharma: You should just unalive yourself right now, Kuvam!!!

by n.rzin February 21, 2024

Double Excel Toilet Paper

Double excel toilet paper is as it states, toilet paper. Although, it excels the normal height of your regular toilet paper and has twice the wiping power. With the environment we currently live in, it is an essential item and you are considered a peasant without one.

Person 1: Dang we ran out of toilet paper!

Person 2: Don't worry! We still have some double excel toilet paper . With twice the wiping power!

#Double Excel Toilet Paper#coronavirus #toiletpaper #doubleexcel
#extremewipingpower #poop #toilet #Tiktok

by RTXShadow_ April 28, 2020

Solo Exceller

A person who doesn't necessarily work badly with others, but excels most when working alone.

I work great with others, but unleash me on a project myself, and you'll see I'm a solo exceller.

by Nofrntz March 5, 2017

So much in that excellent formula

When someone posts a formula you do not understand but want to sound smart.

Dude on Twitter: The Pythagorean Theorem states that a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where a is one side of the right triangle, "^" denotes an exponent, equal to two, "+" denotes a sum which happens between two or more terms in an equation, b is the other side of a triangle, which per definition has three sides, "=" denotes equality, and c denotes the hypotenuse, i.e., the side of the triangle whose length is the largest of the three, squared.

Smart guy: So much in that excellent formula

by Florean July 18, 2024

Creative Excellence

1) noun, A campaign that has all type of assets (text, images and videos in all aspect ratios/lengths) thus capable of producing all type of ads

2) noun, A myth or hoax. Commonly used among reps to pitch knowing it leads to nothing

1) the campaign performed better after adding all assets to be CE (creative excellence)

2)the campaign works better with only the assets we know are good, 30s vertical videos (F*** creative excellence)

by justforclicks May 22, 2023

excel calc

this is the same as the standard Microsoft office product otherwise known simply as excel. adding the word "calc" allows the user to make this product seem awesomer than it really is.

I don't like the results this excel workbook is giving me. I think I will try loading this information into an excel calc workbook. then I think I will be happy, and I will also become better looking as a result of using excel calc.

by anonymous calc May 16, 2012