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factual facts

facts that are so factual you just fucking accept it.

"you are so full of factual facts."
"that right there is a factual fact."

by Impactual Factualβ„’ July 4, 2013

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Something Ben Shabibo uses to own the beta libturds and sLeenpy joe!!!!

Based republican 1: lol i just watched ben shapiro destroy the DEMONrats, they are so stinky. i love donald trump and ben shabiro they are my heroes and they have IQ higher than albert ianestein!!!

2nd Based republican: yaaaaassss lmao communist libturds have been shat on by FACTS and LOGIC once again!!!! 😎 dum liberaels

and sleepy joe wen will they learn, big chungus wholesome 100 moment right here πŸ₯΅πŸ˜ facts dont care about yor fweeling liberals!!!! snowflakes LOL

by Samueliscool223 September 27, 2021

138πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Moe Fact

A "fact" that has little or no credibility and is brought into the later stages of debates or arguments. A Moe Fact is usually in the form of a percentage, but not always. When someone uses a Moe Fact, they will usually use "somewhere" or "someone" as the source of the information.

Person A: "Bears are dangerous."
Person B: "No way. Bears aren't dangerous at all. 85% of bears are herbivores."
Person A: "That's such a Moe Fact."

by Andrew1125 October 19, 2008

49πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Painter Fact

a phrase or word believed to be factual only by its beholder

guy: i can handle my liquor

me: sounds like a painter fact to me

by colombianjumpingbean September 30, 2020

Fact Slut

An annoying person who would repeatedly give random facts in a successive manner.

Leon gives so much facts its getting annoying. He is such a fact slut.

by M.A.C.P October 3, 2017

Fact core

A personality core in the game portal 2. known for shouting out random facts. used to corrupt wheatley, typically full of bullshit.

"avacados have more calories and fiber than any other fruit. they are found in austrailians" said by fact core

by gjsualksoeuihvxckkj vidios December 20, 2011

zack fact

unknowingly or knowingly presenting fake, true or fabricated knowledge as truth or fact by someone named Zack, Zach or Zachary.

Zack : "Brazilian jujitsu is the greatest art form and I am the best in the world at it"
Anyone stupid enough to listen: "That is such a Zack Fact"

by thestamperdamper January 20, 2019