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The belief that women should be equal to men, and they should not be treated any less. It is not that we are superior, nor they, but that we are all people who should have the same rights as others.

I led a feminism march downtown and had about 5,000 followers.

by vscogirl8197 May 19, 2019

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Feminism is, or is supposed to mean, equality in all things between men and women. It has however come to mean advocacy for the school of thought that believes women are better than men. This is not feminism. As a feminist, I believe that women and men should be given equal opportunities. Men shouldn't be expected to sacrifice for women because they are women, and vice versa. What has destroyed feminism today is a bunch of ignorant women who believe that because they are women, they have a right to think of themselves as better than men. That's not feminism. That's giving gender discrimination a role reversal.

Feminism doesn't translate to mean 'men are scum' . Stop calling yourself a feminist if that's what you think it is.

by ๐Ÿ–คSaharan๐Ÿ–ค February 15, 2018

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To understand feminism you need to read what Cher said in a Jane Pauly interview in 1996:

Pauly: You said: โ€žA man is not a necessity. A man is a luxuryโ€œ

Cher: Like desert..(Pauly laughs)..yeah

Pauly: Did you mean that to sound mean or bitter?

Cher: Oh not at all! I adore desert. I love men, I think men are the coolest, but you donโ€™t really need them to live.

My mom once said to me: โ€žYou know sweetheart, one day you should settle down and marry a rich manโ€œ

and I said: โ€žMom I am a rich manโ€œ

My experience with men is great, because I pick them because I like them, I donโ€™t need them.

Dude Nr. 1: Bro what is feminism all about?
Dude Nr. 2: Dude, just read what Cher said in the Jane Pauly interview 1996..
Dude Nr. 1: Wow now I know what feminism is all about. Thank you!
Dude Nr. 2: Youโ€™re welcome, bro

by Sunbellaxxx May 12, 2021

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A movement advocating for equal rights and eradication of gender biasin various scopes of life.My belief is that both women and men can be feminists.Men shouldn't feel small when addressing the issue or rather feel like the movement is for women only.Women do face rampant discrimination especially in work places and even the family setting.

As a subscriber to the feminism movement,I believe that all sexes are equal and thus should be treated as such

by FW Juice November 25, 2018

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The advocacy of womenโ€™s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

The women who fought to have the right to vote, called Suffaregettes, are an early example of feminism.

by Peopleplanetprofits February 7, 2019

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Feminism is cancer. -Milo Yiannopoulus

by Keyelur May 12, 2016

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a joke, commonly used among men who are not white knights and sjw's

"did you just assume my gender? T-R-I-G-G-E-R-E-D" or " I'm a fukin feminist" or just "Feminism"

by TEKbIR December 21, 2016

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