Source Code

Find your fuck

When you want someone to give a fuck when they've apparently lost their fuck to give.

Asshole says "I don't give a fuck!",,,,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,,,
You say "FIND YOUR FUCK!!"

by AuntDaddy September 1, 2022

flick n find

When you flick a boogie and then go try to find it by the sound it makes when it lands.

I caught my 6 year-old playing flick n find in the school office when I went to pick him up. He said he was just bored.

by baby_a_19 April 23, 2007

Finding Christmas Present

Derived from the proverbial closet (ie. coming out of the closet).

A term used for homosexual people who are so far in denial that they are in a serious relationship with a person of the opposite gender or married with or without kids.

Ex1: Speaker1: Did you hear how Lisa's mom and dad split?
Speaker2: No, what happened?
Speaker1: Her mom was finding Christmas Presents.

Ex2: Either the chick is blind and needs to be led around, or that guy is so finding Christmas presents.

by laura3450 August 3, 2009

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Find your Love

One of the greatest songs by Drizzy>Drake,about some jealous freaky lookin gang leader who does some freaky looking shit like KILLIN PEOPLE!!!

Person1* Did you see Drizzy;s music video Find Your Love
Person2* yeah that Mavado junk was freaky

by Twirl n Swirl June 14, 2010

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I can't find it

1. Often said when a women has excessive pubic hair.

2. An Expression used when somebody can not locate something.

Tim: Where did you hide that easter egg.
Lindsay: I hid it in the bush.
Arthur: I can't find it. You need to shave.
Tim: I cwutudidther!

by SantaMOD March 26, 2011

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Lemme find out

A way of saying let me see if it’s true or to find out if something can possibly come true or happen .

if someone were to say β€œI’m tryna be more than just your friend” you can respond with β€œlemme find out”

by Slangified June 25, 2022

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1. Two step process by which dirty sons-o-bitches named Langoc are routinely delt with.

2. End result of double-crossing the action heros Findsy and Cutsy.

1. I'm gonna fina ya. And I'm gonna cut ya.

2. You will be involved in a find/cut tornado of terror if you don't shut your damned mouth.

by Polecat January 7, 2004

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