That enormous fart given before a poo that can be heard from another room.
"That was some starter farter you gave in the loo babe."
Pronounced “Cock Startah” One who either gets cocks sprung, or gets someone acting like dick, by acting like a dick.
That ked’s a real cock starter, got everyone in the bar throwing hands.
Pronounced “Cock Startah” One who either gets cocks sprung, or gets someone acting like dick, by acting like a dick.
That ked’s a real cock starter, got everyone in the bar throwing hands.
Urban Starter is an entity which wants to develop cities or built environment.
I attended an Urban Starters event in Helsinki.
Seth mcmullen is the definition of a cowboy starter pack.
When girls turn about 13, we are supplied with our own standard starter pack which includes the following: An awkward laugh used for expressing discomfort (usually around men/boys), a set of at least 3 insecurities (this aspect of the starter pack depends on your upbringing and experiences), and the “i’m not like other girls” phase. A phase you can choose to activate at any point, as long as it is before the age of 21. (this part is not the girls fault. It is a canon event in almost every girls life, which the realization that she is not like the stereotypical one dimensional female character portrayed on tv, rather she has her own interest and personality, is discovered.) ✨🩷
“yeah, when i was 14, the universe supplied me with my own teen girl starter pack. unlucky for me, i got an exceptional amount of insecurities in it. i am great at executing my awkward laugh tho.”
“me too girl.”
CB radio jargon for the old hand-crank-start automobile engines. A clever "play on words", using the common last name "Armstrong" as if it is the name of the crank-device's inventor, when in fact one truly does need "strong arms" to operate it.
Guy #1: Will your wife get to drive your restored flivver in the parade this afternoon?
Guy #2: Yeah, but I have to run back home first and get it going for her --- it's got an Armstrong starter.