People who think they're smart, when in reality they have very little knowledge of broad subjects and the way the world actually operates.
Stop being fuckwits and pull your head out of you arses.
massimo the bumssimo
Hi, I am massimo the bumsimmo, I am a fuckwit
Hires someone for the purpose of firing them only even when the person was reluctant to work for them because they know what the plan is already
That fuckwit just acted like he fired me a few days after he says he was hiring me what a useless fat fuck
A dude or a chick that can’t handle watching other ppl succeed at doing something they are good at because they have a unusually low testosterone situation , or have only had one partner which they married incase they never got another chance , which causes them to cause alot of drama about the persons activity because they get when winners are sad and pissed off haha
That fuckwit just ripped me off when I bought festival tickets , now I can’t go and bust a move , or bust a nut without causing a fucking scene
A person who is oblivious to all others needs
This fuckwit was eating crisps loudly while I was on a conference call
A collective name for the highways agency in the United Kingdom
5 sets of roadworks in 30 miles? Who thought that was a good idea? Oh, of course, those criminally incompetent fuckwits at the highways agency
A person or entity who matches and also identifies with your energy.,beliefs, practices, morals and common interests.
My friend and I have never crossed each other.
We have so much in common, there is never a dull moment. She would also never betray me.
My friend is "fuckwitable!"