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Gender Envy

Ranboo is not gender envy for everyone please stop putting him for definitions pleaseee- a non-binary ranboo fan

Person 1- Gender Envy is something a trans person feels when they see someone they want to look like, not what a cis person sees when they look at ranboo.
Person 2- Wow you're so cool & hot lets date

by mags019 September 27, 2021

563๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender Studies

1) A university program that the public hates, is deemed a waste of taxpayer money, and is extremely popular amongst the young female demographic.
2) (adj.) used to describe any program that you hate.
3) What everyone who is a fan of dream SMP will take in college.

1) "Gender studies has no business in universities, because it is an ideology not a science" - everyone
2) I took digital humanities expecting it to be a breeze but instead got a full-blown history lesson. It was absolutely gender studies!
3) I asked everyone in DreamNotFound's chat what they wanted to do in college/uni and they all replied 'gender studies'. I ALT+F4'd the stream immediately.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 21, 2022

54๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender gremlin

The reason us nonbinarys exist. We used too many free subscriptions on fake accounts and gender gremlin took our genders as a toll.

"You met gender gremlin?"
"Yeah, i used like 14 free hulu trials."

by AshCantFocus November 26, 2021

Toxic Genderism

An ideology used by fascist oppressors to flood the corporate-controlled media with constant reminders of gender stereotypes to further divide a populace along political lines.

The media has hyper focused on stories that promote the toxic genderism narrative in order to pervade the infosphere with social construction to prevent the sincere discussion of gender norms.

by Lincoln's Wet Nurse March 6, 2023

63 genders

What Madison Martin thinks there is

Hay how many genders are there


63 genders : is what a stupid botch thinks

by James76j March 13, 2017

108๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

gender dysphoria

Usually occurs in FTM (female to male) and MTF(male to female) transgender people. They sometimes feel very upset or depressed about the body they were born with. It can consume their mind because their gender is something they have to deal with every second of everyday. This is a very serious thing and it is horrible to go through. People who have this illness hate their body and wish they were the opposite gender. Gender isnt easily changed and transgender people have to go thru a very costly and lengthy process to reach their goal of the opposite gender. Hating your natural self is a very tragic thing to go through.

"Did you see how sad Tod looks today?" "Yes it must be his gender dysphoria again, i wish i could help him."

by TJames222 January 5, 2012

1326๐Ÿ‘ 326๐Ÿ‘Ž

gender bread

1.A loaf of bread that identifies as a gender
2. A person named Gender who likes bread.

Is she a Gender Bread?
She definitely a Gender Bread.

by bisexual_demon April 23, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž