Wow, that’s some excessive giffing over there on Microsoft Teams. Better watch out or you could get fired.
I just can’t stop giffing. It’s just an immediate shot of dopamine to the brain; it’s better than candy.
The act of messaging someone only through means of GIFs.
Loser: Hey, who just texted you?
Me: It’s Jack, we’re not texting; we’re giffing!
When your homie won't stop sending you gifs.
Bro, I giffed the hell outta dat chick last night.
Dude 1: dude I fell asleep during the class on Shakespeare, could I borrow your notes?
Dude 2: Tough luck bro, I did not take any notes - Tim kept giffing me.
The act of making animal noises for pleasure
I was with Sarah last night, she was giffing all night
The act of polishing a PowerPoint presentation at the last minute.
Person one: This deck looks like shit!
Person two: Don't worry, it still needs a good Giffing!
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Look at this funny GIF I found!