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Granny Hair

That one elusive dark hair on a girl's chin that immediately makes her look like a TROLL.

'Oh my god I found a granny hair this morning, I nearly died from horror.'

by GrandmaTroll April 9, 2009

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old granny

A sexually active cougar that can be classified as older than a cougar despite the name. Old grannyโ€™s can be horny, more sexually active and idly more pleasurable.

Just smashed an old granny, best sex of my life not gonna lie

by Gregory Stanton May 19, 2020

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British term for a young man who likes to have sex with older women. Usually a woman old enough to be his Mother or Grandmother.

"Jeremy, you're 19, and you're girlfriend is 52. You are nothing but a granny-shagger."

by Terrific2 March 5, 2018

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Granny 500

Event that usually takes place at a large retail store. Occurs when the store is overrun by little old ladies in power scooters who either attempt to run you over or situate themselves in the middle of aisleways so they can chit chat with other Granny 500 participants, preventing anybody else from being able to travel down that particular aisle.

I went to Wal Mart yesterday and the Granny 500 was going on again.

by Gollum May 30, 2007

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Grannie Panties

Female underwear that is oversized, loose, and/or 1930's underwear, much like the tighty whities for the guys. i is unattractive and not cool

Alisha's ass looks funny in those Grannie Panties

by Tim V. October 29, 2007

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granny basher

A bicycle of a certain style usually made pre-1990, with thin wheels and a thin frame. They are usually found or stolen rather than bought and are often a mismatch of numerous bikes to create the optimum level of comfort and speed. Most are now found through hard-rubbish collection or at dumps and ridden by young folk.

"You should see the granny basher I picked up yesterday, it is heaps good"

"Fuck dude, you really have to stop thrashing that granny basher so hard, hard-rubbish isnt until October"

by samueljay October 27, 2008

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Granny Ass

Granny ass - One with a severe absense of "Junk In That Trunk". It can often be traced back to the looks of an elderly womans hind quarters which may be flat and not what might be reffered to as "eye candy".

Man Steves new girlfriend has real granny ass.

by J.A.G. January 1, 2006

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