adjective: 1. To get cheated or taken advantage of over something that is out of one's control
2. To feel taken advantage of in an under-handed, immoral way
3. To get completely drunk and then expel the remainders by means of explosive diarrhea the next day.
4. Someone who is sodomized by either a penis or a foreign object to such a degree that it tears the lining of the anus.
butt hose; butt hosed,
noun: a hose that is inserted into the anus in order to give a colon cleanse.
Dude, I got totally butt hosed today man. My car was parked within the lines of the street where it was legal to park, and that cock-sucker meter maid wrote me a $100 ticket anyways!
Did you see that drunk slut get butt hosed by that dude last night in our living room?! There was blood everywhere!!
The Dallas Cowboys got butt hosed by the Minnesota Vikings in the game the other night: a complete blow-out. Wasn't that fucking hilarious to watch?!
I got completely cocked last night off of a liter or Rum and jerked off in the bushes. Awesome times no doubt, but my gut is rocked today. I totally butt hosed the toilet this morning and there's shit everywhere!
When a program that is scheduled to be recorded on your DVR is preempted or cut off early due to a schedule shift by the network (i.e. breaking news, overtime sports event, etc).
1. President Obama was planning to Tiv-Hose the nation by preemtping Lost with the State of the Union address.
2. Motherfucker! I got Tiv-Hosed when the game went into overtime, and the DVR stopped after the fourth quarter!
When a female puts their thumb over the hole of the vagina, thus creating a pressurised stream to increase standing accuracy.
man Jenny gave me the garden hose, she garden hosed the shit out of me last night!
Spraying seniors with our hoses.
"Oh man, I can't wait to give those guys the hose rules treatment!"
if your nose long, ur nose long like garden hose.
also you're a dickhead!
Ha! Look at your nose! Nose long like garden hose!
Definition of a Female in pursuit of a Fire Fighter.
Originated in Oswego County
She's always hanging around the Fire Station....I think she's looking for a Hose to handle. Women like her are Hose Hunters
When a pipe is connected from your rectum to your mouth to create an endless cycle of shit.
"God damn!"
"That style hosing session from two nights ago still has my knees weak"
"Alright I get you"