doesn't take much to wake me just shake your morning man.
A dim wit that was conceived with a piss hard on.
That banjo playin' drooler in Deliverance was definitely a Morning Baby.
When you're at work and there's nothing to do so you cruise the internet and chat until your boss hands you some work.
Dude 1: "Dude, check out Johnson, he's just chilling in his cube cruising the net."
Dude 2: "Yeah, the boss must have forgot about him, so he's having an idle morning today."
That moment when you wake up in the morning and it feels like your mouth has been drained of all wetness and turned into invisible cotton
Dude last night was so crazy that I ended up waking up with Morning Cottonmouth
The time and place where the thought process, dicision making, and day plannings occur.
I get so confused for the day if I don't get my morning shower.
When you take a shower in the morning and are incapable of getting anything done, due to lack of sleep. Usually you end up just sitting under the hot water, which does nothing other then wake you up. Similar to a Pirate Bath.
Guy 1: Dude, you smell like shit
Guy 2: Yea, I had a morning shower when i woke up
Releasing exceptionally loud, melodic morning flatulence after gaseous build up during overnight slumber.
No need for an alarm clock, my roommate will wake the whole house playing the morning trumpet.
After a 2 am Taco Bell stop, I passed out and woke up blaring the morning trumpet.