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Theory of Breastitivity

A theory derived from the notion that both male and female beings have an eternal fascination and attraction to the female's breasts, no matter the being's sexual orientation.

Male- "Wow, you have got some swell tits."
Female- "Wow, I do have got some swell tits."
Profesor- "That's the Theory of Breastitivity.

by mhm jharty September 21, 2011

Lego Theory

A term to describe the phenomenon of finally finding something when you have given up on it.

An example would be finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. If you simply stop looking so hard to find a relationship, eventually it will find you.

The Lego Theory is based on what happens when you play with Legos. Typically while you are playing with Legos there is a moment when you are looking for a particular piece and can't find it. After you've given up on finding it and some time has passed, it magically appears.

By believing in the Lego Theory I was able to not only find a girlfriend, but my car keys as well.

by reactor20 September 9, 2016

Shower Theory

The act of imagining someone naked/in the shower, when they say that they're in the shower or "brb shower"

dammit, total shower theory

by LiterallyLuke March 19, 2011

The Clothing Theory

The theory in which you can save space in a bed by removing ones clothes. Making a bed seem bigger, so you and a girl can comfortably engage in sexual acts, by removing articles of clothing.

Slaying mad hoes is made easier by use of The Clothing Theory

by fratstar 24 August 30, 2010

The Shartmann theory

A theory that states: if a football can be inserted into the asshole past half way, said asshole will create a suction and/or vaccume and ingulf the rest of the football if lubracation is in use

Bro1: Bro, me and jessie tested out the shartmann theory last night
Bro2: broooo how much lube did u guys go through
Bro1: brooooooooo idek like half the tube

by WalkingTalkingStephenHawking October 14, 2015

Boomerang Theory

The idea that a person will be close to a significant other until something tears them apart. After what is usually a few years the two people will meet up again and be attracted to one another. Such as a boomerang leaves but comes back.

Friend 1: "John started seeing Claudia again; its been 4 years since they were together."
Friend 2: "I told you the Boomerang theory was real!"

by Toichiro October 14, 2014

Oisinverse theory

The Oisinverse theory is a theory that all of the universe/planets are apart of oisin's mum

Have you ever heard of the Oisinverse theory? It's a amazing theory

by Real Nigga 12 November 26, 2020