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southern slang for alright ((see a'ight))

A: "will one of y'all throw me one of them there wrenches?"

B "A'ight whichen ya want?"

by evanizzle April 12, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Its fine

1. Mom language for... I want to strangle you
2. Dad language for... I want to shoot you.
3. Blonde language for... I want to tumblr shame you
4. Sister language for... I like want to like scream like a banshee

You: I dropped you're vase, mom
Mom: No "its fine"
*Mom thinks* I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT!!!!


15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dope ass snacks for stoners.

Cheesy crackers with a hint of salt. Cheese-its are the shit.

by TagAfag May 10, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

its green

meaning its good

me: you trynna go get your nails with me ...

you:yes sure its green

by trillkiyah December 5, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

its the moo

Skeppy says 'it's the move' and BadBoyHalo thought he said something else. Now, it's the moo.

Badboyhalo: its the moo
Skeppy: it's not the MOO, it's the MOVE
BadBoyHalo: you said it's the moo!
Skeppy: I said it's the move! V!

by CKayexists September 15, 2020

its leet

It means to be even more than lit

Its leet in this bihh.

by Chef lil dick December 25, 2017


A chinese african american caucasian person.

That chinigga-ite ate my last chicken nugg You've of the -et!!!!

by MetalNdn February 6, 2019