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Reagan is a kook

by Benrew2002 May 23, 2017


A crazy or eccentric person; someone who has no idea how to surf

Look at Sleeves and OMK out there, what kooks!

by Truer Definitions July 17, 2017


A kook is someone who only skis or snowboards on the weekend. Usually at Steven's Pass.

Kooks leave Seattle at "the crack of dawn" aka 7:30 a.m. and when they arrive to a full parking lot, they'll just park on the freeway. Kooks also like to bring their expensive dogs to the resort and lock them in the car all day. Then, the kooks will proceed to go around and yell at everyone, especially employees, like they own the place.

A kook may be a relatively decent rider, but they will never really progress past a certain kooky point. This is due to never fully committing to more than one or two days a week to the sport. They spend much more time thinking about the mountain and shopping for gear online while they waste away at their desk jobs.

Kooks hate resort employees. Kooks think they're probably better skiers than the employees anyway, due to being smarter in general and more successful. And like, way richer. Which leads me to my final kooky point.

Looks can be deceiving. Kooks can often afford the best gear, since they have lots of down time at their boring desk jobs and also more money. They spend a lot of time researching and buying all the best gear online. While paying full price like the Kooks that they are.

Everyone has a little bit of kook in them but some more so than others.

Look at that kook parking on the highway. I sure hope they don't ask me for a ride home later after their cars get towed.

by How We Doin' March 14, 2022


1sr: A crazy, funny, or dumb person. 2nd: Happy gang

vannessa : you guys are such kooks lory : omg!! You’re a kook

by gromkookie April 14, 2019


one of the most cutest people (or rabbit ig?) to exist~ also known as jeon jungkook from kpop boy band BTS.


army 2: IKRR

by notjeon March 21, 2021


A kook is mainly used in the surfing community but also a little in the skating community. A kook is generally someone who is not local to a spot and is hated by locals. A kook is also used to describe a person who poses as a surfer mainly and drops in on people and gets in everybody’s way. A kook is sometimes used as just a fun slang word but when things get heated out in the lineup and someone calls you a kook... watch out!
Looks are strongly hated in the surf community.

Woah man that guy is such a kook!
What’s up kook! Get the fuck outta the lineup before we beat you up!

by Thesurfaholic16 May 4, 2018


Someone whos not gnarly

Gabe is such a kook he probably doesn't even know what gnarly is

by TheGnarliestPersonEver August 25, 2018