Source Code

Homosexual Legos

hot pink: sexuality
red: life
orange: healing
yellow: sunlight
green: nature
turquoise: magic/art
indigo/blue: serenity/harmony
violet: spirit

Legos that our bought with the colors above

Mom bought me homosexual legos for my wedding

by bitcoin December 25, 2013

Lego Stepper

A person who likes to have sex with a dude with a small dick.

Girl 1:"OMG that guy has such a small dick. Having sex with him is like stepping on a lego."
Girl 2: "Girl, you a lego stepper"

by DatCrazyKay November 4, 2012

The Lego Trick

When you and your partner roll around in animal shit, and then fill both of your asses with Lego. Both people then have to scoop out the Lego with a teaspoon and build a little Lego house. The person with the nicest house wins. The looser has to roll around in the shit again, and then pace for 30 minuted on the lego bricks. The father of one of the two people is the judge of the best house.

Mary: Hey you want to do the Lego Trick?
John: Yeah, you get the animal shit, I'll get my father!

by CEO Of Cock February 27, 2022

Lego Island

oops you forgor to put da cee dee in da computa

guy 2: HEY!!!
guy 1: what
guy 2 have you heard of Lego Island?
guy 1: lol
guy 3: OoOoPs YoU FoRgOT 2 PoOt tHe cD iN uR cOmPuTeR

by PseudonymLOLXD69420 January 3, 2022


OFten used to be a dildo, for young children, and some people think is "milk", stupid people........jocelyns usally

The turtle won the race, becuase thre rabbit was evil.

by fuckme December 6, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 272๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lego Master

is a person that is a master of a small universe. They work for the Lego Company in Denmark and are responsible for any new brick's design, the sets that go on the market, and the models that you see all over the world. Because they get to play with toys for a living they are the biggest kids in the world and are living proof that you can do anything you want.

I want to be a lego master when I grow up.

by blueiniraq October 19, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lego cock

Reference to ones cock when other parts of their body resemble traits of a Lego (a children's toy) character. Such as the hair face and/or body shape

"Brooksey has lego hair, so he must have a lego cock"

by Jimmison! September 15, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž