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Take a lettuce

To give up and kill oneself; to intentionally consume lettuce contaminated with E. coli.

Originated when the FDA recalled lettuce in the U.S.

I'm so sick of school. Imma take a lettuce and end it all right now.

by integrandpiano December 25, 2018

sick lettuce

beautiful hair, succulent hair.

did you see johns sick lettuce? i think he got it done at jim’s

by fullsender June 8, 2021

Spread the lettuce

When a girl opens her lips wide downtown to give you a show of those beef curtains.

"Bro she sent that snap...straight spread the lettuce"

by Patelpatelpatel June 8, 2017

1👍 1👎

sweeping the lettuce

The act using a comb to clean crabs out of your pubes.

Last weekend after picking that chick up from the bar I was sweeping the lettuce all week long.

by The turdburgalar November 20, 2020

Grilling Lettuce

Grilling Lettuce is used to communicate the smoking of marijuana in a low-key manner.

Dude: "yo man! What ya doin after work?"
Man: "Oh you know, grilling lettuce."
*Epic fist bump ensues*

by El Monsoon November 13, 2016

Texas Lettuce

The 2 dollar bill that you can obtain from the state of Texas which is where they are commonly found.

James: hey you got some Texas Lettuce
John: what's that?
James: it's 2 dollar Bill's

John: oh nice, where can you get it
James: from Texas, that's where it's found

by Exabyte_26 September 16, 2019

Book Lettuce

The most sauciest lettuce on the market. Usually enjoyed while reading a novel on turtle breasts. Only found in underground playhouses.

That book lettuce from Nora’s playhouse was very enjoyable while reading the novel “A turtle and it’s breasts”

by Tea Toaster August 2, 2018