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New York lottery

The lottery service for the state of New York most loved by wny

I want to be lucky and win the New York lottery

by The rangers fan February 9, 2025

Darwin Lottery

A lawsuit won by someone who should have won a Darwin Award, but instead survives and lawyers up to sue everyone for their own stupidity.

Person 1: Man, did you hear about that girl who put Gorilla Glue in her hair because she ran out of hairspray?
Person 2: Yeah! Man I feel bad for her.
Person 1: Yeah well don't be. That dumb bitch is going to win the Darwin Lottery. She lawyered up.

by The Real Slim Patches February 10, 2021

Lottery Tickiteer

The motherfucker ahead of you in line at the convenience store who has 136 fucking lottery tickets they want "checked" to see if they are winners but hasn't taken the time to scratch off the entire QR strip at the bottom of each ticket. The lottery Tickiteer then very slowly and selectively spends any winnings as if they were on Wheel of fucking Fortune.

I was late and in a hurry when the lottery tickiteer in front of me at the gas station pulled out what appeared to be a small mountain of lottery tickets. Take the gift certificate for crying out loud.

by Pierced69 August 4, 2022

walking lottery ticket

A cop, or anyone who thinks they’re allowed to violate your rights doing something not allowed in their power. So you take them to court, easily win the case, and receive a large sum of money.

The cop that tried to arrest me without committing a crime is a walking lottery ticket. I’ll win in court rather easily.

by I know write five December 11, 2024

win the losing lottery

To win at something no one should be proud at winning.

I won, I was the dumbest that was there. Congratulations, you (won)/ win the losing lottery.

by foodboy96 March 30, 2024

Birth Lottery

The Idea that a person's quality of life is determined at birth. His/her life is all dependent on race, region, religion, sex, and genetics.

This is also known as "Lottery of Birth".

Tommy: Did you hear about that Paki kid that was forced into marriage at 10?
John: Poor girl lost the birth lottery.

by Sazuri January 26, 2019

The Sex Lottery

The Sex Lottery is a phrase that describes the process of replying to online posts written by women who and seeking hookups. These types of posts can be found on websites such as reddit. Many men tend to reply to them. Usually, only a small handful of the men who reply are chosen by the women to hookup with, therefore the odds of meeting the women who make the posts are extremely low, hence why it is called the Sex Lottery.

“I messaged a girl who made a post about wanting to hookup, I entered the Sex Lottery

by flowerlilypad October 20, 2022