Fattest Nigga I know. Thinks he can loose weight by going to gym.
Eg. wow u look like Mish.
Only use if he's gay and has tiny penis and most importantly fat.
a mouse that lives underwater.
mouse + fish = mish.
"look! its a mish swimming in the water!"
"isnt that just a mouse?"
"no you silly, mouse that swim are called mish!"
Mish is the Kim kardashian of her family . She is a boss woman and is also a bit judgmental!
Mish is a non- drinker and ppl love her even if she's a bitch 😂
Omg she has her ur own business and made her own families career . But she is so moody . Such mish
Word derived from Commission housing. Someone/something or behaviour that is of a lower class standard.
Ugg boots and a baby is a pretty Mish combo babe.xo
1. A nickname. Short for Michelle, Mishelle or any other spelling variation
2. Northern British slang that is short for 'mission.' Used by teens thinking they're trendy to describe going and doing something.
1. "Hey, Mish. Will you pass me the butter?"
2. "Johnny. Wanna go on a mish to the shop, mate?"
Having to travel by bus or walking a long distance
Dylan: Come meet me at the plaza
Me: nah mate that’s a fuckin mish