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a website that can be useful for finding friends with similar interests, if used properly.

1st example of improper usage: I HAV LIEK TWENTYMILLIONBAJILLION FRENZ SO IM BETTER TEHN U!!!111!1!!!1!

2nd example of improper usage:

by Emologist May 12, 2005

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the "myspace"

a photo somone took of themself with a camera at an arms-length distance(sometimes on their cell phone). Usually taken in a bathroom or bedroom with some type of serious look on their face (guys) or slutty look in a skimpy outfit (girls). Most people do this and then immediately erase the picture, but those who put them on the wb are guilty of the "myspace"

Variation 1: the myspace also applies to people who take pictures of themself in the mirror...which is without a doubt the queerest form of photography currently in existence.
Variation 2: the "myspace" can also describe a picture of similar format found on facebook

"Dude check out this pic i found online. shes so hot."
"C'mon man, shes doing the "myspace"-so gay. shes probably 13 anyways."
"Dude, grass on the field, play ball!"

by ConorG October 21, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Myspace (or MySpace) is a free service that uses the internet for online communication through an interactive network of photos, weblogs, user profiles, e-mail, web forums, groups, as well as many other communication devices. This all-inclusive service is sometimes called a social networking interface. It is an active site always updating or creating new features for their members. Myspace is also sometimes used to describe a user created webpage on the Myspace.com service.

Members are usually titled as Myspacers.

* There are 20 forums with many different subforums.
* There are around 300,000 topics in the main site forums.
* A total of 3 million forum posts as of this typing.
* There are around 200,000 groups.
* There are around 60 million group forum posts.
* There are 5 new posts every second.
* There are over 10 million profiles inside Myspace. (as of March 11, 2005)

by random March 14, 2005

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a bad website gone terribly mainstream for every prepp to pose as a emo kid just so they impress the "hawt emo guy" on there top eight so maybee they can cyber date and never meet in real life.

lucy;omg ciny! greg on my top 8 is sooo hawt
cindy;i think so too
lucy;he asked me out
lucy;yah we myspace eachother every night till like 3 am....i think i love him......

(neither of them relize "greg" is a carbon copy of the other 250 guys on both of there freinds list)

by pulpy fiction xO July 16, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


a weebsite where you request everyone who you know or have possibly ever seen in your life. You are also supposed to also request people that you hate and wish to die. On myspace you take pictures of yourself. In these pictures, you cannot look directly at the camera.
If you are a prep, then you must pretend that you are so emo and have a url that is some lame inside joke with someone to make your self look pretty, scene and popular.Skanks
ps-don't ever leave ur myspace up while your out of tthe room or your mom will yell at you-this is why i no longer have one :-(

myspace, a place for stalkers
myspace, a place for murders
*or even*
myspace, a place to find a rape trial

by IxAmxAfraidxOfxScenexKids February 25, 2006

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A stupid, pathetic website. 90% of all MySpace profiles have a terrible color scheme, have bad music like Avril Lavigne, 50 Cent, G-Unit, Hilary Duff, and Justin Timberlake, and all sorts of other MTV shit playing in the background, filled with tons of stupid shit like icons that read "Touch Me", "Kiss Me", and show ugly-ass bimbos wearing bikinis and ugly looking men trying to flex their six packs, that is if they even have one. They also write stupid shit about themselves in their "About Me" section like, "I Hate Drama", "I'm a very forgiving person", "Hating me won't make you more pretty", or "My friends mean the world to me." Right. Thats definitely true when you have about 4,000 "friends" that you haven't even seen in person before. And usually these "friends" leave comments that show painfully unfunny webcomics, and say stupid things like, "OMG u r so like my life!!!1111!" And then there are the pictures, which is probably the biggest problem on MySpace. The 14-year old emo faggots who make these profiles usually spend hours in their bathrooms trying to get a perfect pic, while trying to make it look like they have boobs/a six pack, and also put their cameras at a weird angle to try to hide the vast amount of zits and fat that they have. Most of their pictures look exactly the same, and they all waste countless hours of their life BEGGING for picture comments that say how "hawt" they are in their bulletins. And the rest of these ugly pictures show these idiots hanging out with the few friends that they have actually seen before, usually holding onto a beer bottle. Grow the fuck up faggots. No one gives a fuck at all. If you're thinking about joining Myspace, DON'T. You will regret it. I have a Myspace and I want to quit, but its really hard to do that because this stupid website is so addicting. So do us all a favor and don't join in the first place.

The typical bulletin of a Myspace whore:
"OMG liek totlly cmmnt my pics im like soo bored omg and if u dont ill liek delet u from my freinds"

by Death Shredder June 27, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


a place for people to bring it back to high school. people who are supposedly "over high school and lead such busy lives." however, somehow they find the time to go on my space for a few hours a day. if your so over high school than why do you need to be so-called friends with 25765 people who are probably not going to help out in the real world that we live in today. basically if you do not pay my bills and you are not going to help me in life than you are not my friend. my space is a popularity contest for people who just can't stay away from the high school scene. people really need to get over themselves and stop changing their pictures or taking "my space pics" so that people will tell them their hot or sexy. let's all stop begging for attention and worry about the more important things in life. invest your 1-5 hours a day on something useful. trust me i used to be on this and it's a waste of time.

1) don't broadcast your life or talk about someone on my space so that your "friends" can give you a pat on the back.

2) if you need to have people tell you look hot, you probably have some
insecurity issues. i mean think about it. if you were walking down the street with your friends are they going to contstantly tell you you're hot. no, but on my space they will. so let's take my space pics!

by cmm July 7, 2005

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