Source Code

Don't hate

Ostensible meaning: "Don't criticize me unfairly, with hatred in your heart."

Actual meaning: "I may have committed a bad act (though obviously I'm not going to admit that in so many words) but you are far worse. At least I don't have hatred in my heart. You are a bad person."

Or: "I reject your right to criticize me at all, even when I am obviously in the wrong, and I show my contempt for the very idea by refusing even to engage with your justified criticism, implying that it is motivated by jealousy and vindictiveness."

You: "Duane, you trashed my car, killed my mom and slept with my girlfriend!"

Duane: "Don't hate, little buddy."

by Paul Bee May 11, 2010

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Mountain Don't

Generic replacement for Mountain Dew that one shouldn't purchase. Mello Yellow is considered generic as it is not Mountain Dew; despite it being produced by Coca-Cola. Most Mountain Don't's are produced by individual supermarket companies.

Characteristics of so-called Mountain Don't's include flat taste, lack of effect, and blandness.

Heee Haw (Hy-Vee), Citrus Drop (Kroger), Kountry Mist (Winn-Dixie), Mountain Breeze (Safeway), Mountain Lightning (Wal-Mart), Mountain Lion (Food Lion), Mountain Maze (Albertson's) and Moon Mist (Shasta/Faygo) are all Mountain Don't's.

by Justin Herbert April 10, 2009

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don't panic

there are really two definitions.

1. Catch-phrase from Douglas Adam's book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Deceptively simple to understand, and yet this simple advice really can improve the quality of your life if you choose to follow it.

2. First song on Coldplay's debut album, "Parachutes," and also the first song on the "Garden State" Soundtrack. A short but very nice song. When you hear the song, and then read the book it becomes that much better.

"In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the 'Hitchiker's Guide' has already supplanted the great 'Encyclopedia Galactica' as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and second, it has the words 'DON'T PANIC' inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."

"Bones sinking like stones,
All that we fought for,
Homes, places we've grown,
All of us are done for

we live in a beautiful world,
Yeah we do, yeah we do,
We live in a beautiful world"

by soontobepresjoe March 9, 2005

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A fine girl that you think about being intimate with ALL the time but the negatives of doing so could far out weigh the positives.
ie; venereal disease, best friends wife, your boss, midget, reputation for being a clingy psycho, convicted violent felon, under-age, fat, it could break up the band.

I think I could have fucked my bosses 17 year old daughter but she is a cockadoodle-don't!

by Dill-pickle October 22, 2008

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Don't try it

"Don't try it" is when someone else says "you underestimate my power" and you swiftly deny them and saying that the are making a mistake

Anakin: you underestimate my power

Obi-Wan: don't try it

(Anakin fails horribly)

by Luka_boy13 January 15, 2019

Don't Jeb it

To fail terribly, an epic failure like the candidacy of Jeb Bush.

Ah man, make sure you don't Jeb it. Jebbing the test means you won't get your diploma.

by Dadadadadum January 11, 2016

Don't worry.

Send this to people who feel only just to remind them that they aren't alone in this world. there's 7,8 billion other people in the world that you can be friends with. so dont worry about anything, dont worry about what you are going through and cheer up because im here for you. cheer up!

Cheer up bro/sis theres nothing that you cant go though,Don't worry. it just takes time and will. thats all.

by Hrisstiann :))) April 18, 2020

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