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Shop shy

Descriptive of a sudden and inexplicable aversion to entering a particular shop. This can be caused by any one or combination of the following factors: the apparent attitude of the shop assistants, a shop being far too brightly lit, a shop with hardly anything in it and lots of space, a shop that's entirely white inside which could make you feel a bit scruffy in comparison (especially make-up counters), a shop full of very delicate displays of highly breakable things, shops with mirrors everywhere, quiet shops with too many members of staff standing around who might try to 'help' you...

"When she noticed the stuck-up, hoity-toity looking shop assistants standing around bored, just waiting to instantly judge her then totally ignore her as soon as she entered, she suddenly felt all shop shy and did a complete u-turn in the doorway to the fancy lingerie store. 'I didn't really need any new panties anyway' she thought to herself..."

by Pen Knife October 28, 2008

shy fingers

stuff tiktok girls use most of the time

a: you know the shy fingers right?
b: no?
a: ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
b: please never do that again.

by clooror wipes July 4, 2022


Most Shy-Ann's like penis. BUT, those penises have to be big. It's the a violation against the 11th commandment for them to like small penises. They also think the worst in all situations. They're fun to hang around and very random. Shy-Ann's like the idea of "Friends with Benefits" instead of relationships. If you run into a Shy-Ann, tell her i said what up!

shyann penis Shy-Ann

by shinin95 December 1, 2011

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Cunt Shy

One whom is afraid or shy of the female genatalia.

That guy got cunt shy when she said, lets go fuck at my place.

by Cptn Black Hawk July 18, 2010

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Shop Shy

Too self-conscious to enter a shop for fear of embarassment because it's too 'cool', too bright, or that you may break something.

She went to enter the shop, but suddenly became Shop Shy and performed a u-turn in the brightly flood-lit doorway when she realised all the staff were standing still and staring at her, ready to pownce and ask her lots of questions.

by RAJR March 6, 2009

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wall shy

Someone who gets very self conscience when writing on someone else's Facebook wall.

"Don't look at what I'm typing, I don't want to be around when you see it because I'm wall shy."

by awesomeracer September 27, 2009

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shy kidneys

When you can't pee in the presence of other people.

I can't piss in this urinal, because i have shy kidneys.

by blinded August 12, 2008

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