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a type of music(noise) that pollutes both the air and the minds of many suburban kids. Bands in this genre include slipknot, disturbed, korn, and mushroom head. Nu-metal bands use false emotions to sell albums to teenagers and sometimes very immature adults. These consumers of the over-priced nu-metal cds and merch are often teenagers struggling with their ego, sexuality, confidence, polularity, will to live, etc. They can be identified as wearing giant wallet chains, oversized jnco jeans, ball necklaces, and overpriced band shirts(all of which are over- compensating for something of lesser size). Nu-metal is made and listened to by people with way too much self-pity and way to little discernment about music.

all of the music they repetedly play on the radio to satisfy the unintelligent and self-loathing minds of many suburban teenagers.

by xthatoneguywholovesafix October 27, 2003

19πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Rock for Bush Supporters.

Nu-Metal rawks, and Go W!

by Desigol December 6, 2005

14πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


boring, heavy music, usually without a solo, always without talent. Sometimes with rap or hip-hop or pop mixed in. music for immature people

by Anonymous August 20, 2003

14πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A sub-genre of metal that most posers will insult in a desperate attempt to sound cool or gain approval, often back-firing and making the aforementioned posers look like a whining child.

Poser: Man! Nu-metal sucks compared to Metallicon!

Other guy: That's "Metallica," you stupid poser.

by chat tell you August 17, 2005

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Nu Metal

The down-tuned nu metal sound is simply absurd. The strings are down so low they are virtually hanging off the neck, leaving a woolly, indistinct barrage of black noise. QUIT TRYING TO BE SOMEONE. Only kick ass rock like Motley Crue's which the entire Dr. Feelgood set was tuned down to D for added power.
Samples, DJs, scratching, and all that lameness: Please! Is it rock or dance? Aside from the sheer lack of creativity involved in samples, the whole vibe of rock 'n' roll with its jamming and unpredictability is removed in a sea of computer-generated mechanical perfection. And while DJ-ing may be quite a skill (debate that elsewhere), to class DJs as musicians is pretty laughable. Anyway, all that stuff is just nauseating. AND their use of loops is simply down to bad musicianship. Losers.
Stupidity: If you asked me to describe any nu metal band in ten words, intelligent would not be one of them. Not would it be if you gave me 1000 words. This manifests itself in the lyrics, where Durst et al, too dense to think of anything to actually say, simply swear for four minutes in a time in a bid to persuade us that they are hard. It's not working, mate.
Melody vs. rap: One problem with guitars tuned sub-sonically low… no one can sing over them. Besides which, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and co. couldn't carry, let alone write, a tune to save their lives. So instead they rap, all very well except that rap depends on a) clever lyrics and b) diverse instrumentation. So with the same beat and essentially same feel, structure, and sound to every song, it is fair to say that all nu metal is in fact one song.
Lack of stage presence: It always startles me how much the members of Stain'd have in common with The Thunderbirds in their on stage movements.
Manufactured: Rock & roll is about rebellion. It is about independence, freedom, and attitude. So a band that is controlled, nay, manufactured by the record company is surely against the spirit of rock & roll. Indeed, it is not unfair to point out that manufactured rock & roll is an oxymoron -- a CONTRADICTION IN TERMS. In other words, these complete idiots posing as rock & rollers are puppets to the industry, simply a cynical, money-making scam which the record companies create and we are supposed to follow like sheep. Then MTV play them relentlessly, selecting the bands that suit the MTV, politically-correct, plastic and unthreatening (to them) way, at the same time rejecting other artists putting out quality product… the record companies and MTV work together to tell you what to listen to. Are you going to let them do that?
FIBI (For Idiots By Idiots): No real comment necessary here (but here's one anyway) ever noticed the lame audiences nu metal attracts? And the way they dress

Nu Metal blows. Slipknot is one of them.

No, 13 masked jackasses who scream shit, from podunk Iowa aren't cool.

by Spartans! December 2, 2004

26πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Shit-assed "music"

1. Korn, slipknot, couple examples of cumwadded music

Some dude: Shut the fuck up mother fucker or ill wrap you around my cock and fuck an elephant

by Alex March 22, 2004

12πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Nu Metal

A once legitimate musical movement incorporating bands such as Deftones and System of a Down, now sadly hijacked by corporate wank. Frequently confused with Whinge Rock.

"Do you listen to Nu Metal?"
"Well I used to, but now that seems to mean manufactured arse fudge like Linkin Park, so now I'm not sure what I listen to."

by Captain McDosy September 11, 2003

25πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž