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glass onion

Originated from the Beatles song "Glass Onion" from their white album. It means to overanalyze something that is not intended to mean anything more then what it is. The entire point of the Glass Onion song was to poke fun at all the people who had looked for deep messages in previous beatle songs.

"You Completely glass onioned the movie Sideways"

by Ichthasen July 17, 2006

179๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

onion man

The person that you think you keep seeing after a hard alcohol session ( usually two days or more ).
This is a section of paranoia you suffer as a result of drinking.

Lying in bed after a 2-3 day alcohol session sweating hard, onion man is standing over your bed supervising and wont go away.
He appears in your dreams and can be seen through the corner of your eye on occasions forcing one to constantly look over ones shoulder.

by Milosovic July 14, 2006

110๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad Onion

Anyone that gives a great blow job, but leaves you with stank dick afterwords (especially if they ate onions beforehand).

Man I was so excited when she offered to give me a bj, but she just turned out to be a bad onion, I could smell my own dick all the way into the shower!

by DirtyDan8 November 1, 2019

precious onion

When you see an ass so nice it's makes you cry

Leslie has a precious onion

by Amerksmann22 November 27, 2014


its the soviet union but its an onion

The soviet union is now soviet-onion

by poopybutface59 February 5, 2021

lane onion

When driving, the act of straddling two lanes. Especially useful in areas where signage or road markings are poor, and in unfamiliar urban areas where committing to a single lane could cause a wrong turn or other mistake.

"There are people behind us who want to pass."

"I'm not sure if I need to go straight or bear left, so I'm planning to do both until I figure it out."

"You're pulling an epic lane onion."

by Raser March 8, 2010

Pearl Onions

A shaven, smooth scrotum with a shiny, glistening appearance of baby skin.

The complete opposite of Pickled Onions.

She loves slobbing on my knob but she really loves fondling my pearl onions.

by Eaton Holgoode February 9, 2017