Source Code

ow am ya

A way people in Birmingham greet each other.

Ow am ya ste I day saw u at the pub the other day

by Lil brummy June 1, 2021

ow oof my bones

bone hurting juice that hurts ur bones

G r a n d p a: ow oof my bones Smol boi: o no

by deseased monke March 24, 2021


Open Wings

Let's go OW, who's in

by Sharif123 August 6, 2019


Acronym for “Other Woman

I believe any ow would be better for her than her actual gf

by valeeeee February 4, 2022


An exclamation used when one is caught off guard, or surprised for a variety of reason.

ow” he said after being hit by a candy wrapper

by LukeMb June 29, 2021


What you say when your hurt.

OW!!!!! Stop trowing rocks at me!

by February 15, 2022


Robert Smith likes this word a lot.

Ow! Why can't I be you playing in the background

by Robertsmithschesthair March 17, 2017