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For the people writing hateful definitions about this word, I want to know how much "proves" do you got!? How many "researches" have you ever done!? Have you EVER met any pedophiles and tried to "know" them!? Have you!? When you read through the "research reports", are you thinking "Is that right!?" or "This is fucking bullshit!!!" Did you keep your mind opened and "unbiased" while reading it!? Or you already set your mind and EVERYTHING contradicting your "believe" is "fucking bullshit"!?
I'm NOT defending pedophiles!
I just want to say, "If you can NOT keep an open mind and see the "other" side of the story, HOW can you DARE to put any judgement on something you don't understand at all!?!?!?"
PS. I understand those whose family members had been molested as a child hating pedophiles! But for those who hate them just because "you don't like it!", you might have a VERY serious problem and need your brain, if you have any, checked VERY badly!!!

Pedophiles are called "Chomo" in prison!

by Piggy0620 September 18, 2018

12πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A person who suffers from Pedophilia; that is, an adult who is sexually attracted to children.

Pedophilia is a mental disorder, not a sexual orientation or lifestyle choice. Specifically, it is a Paraphilia. The Paraphilias are characterized by recurrent, intense, sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve unusual objects, activities, or situations. Other examples of Paraphilias are Exhibitionism, Fetishism, Sexual Masochism, and Sexual Sadism.

Terms like "pedosexual" are misnomers and nothing more than political activism on the part of organized groups of pedophiles attempting to legitimize and legalize their abuse and predation of children.

Max is is a pedophile because he is sexually attracted to little girls.

by jack Oliver November 23, 2016

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An individual (typically male) who talks to children through sexual messages, and possibly tries to kidnap the child. The children usually are below 13 years old. For instance, a pedophile may contact a child/children through internet messages.

A GIF expressing my opinion is below.

Person: My friend so and so is a pedophile, so you should stay away from them.

by a_gamertag April 13, 2021

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A man that is in a relationship with or is otherwise attracted to a girl or boy that is significantly younger than himself.

hey did you hear that devin is dating a freshman, and he's almost 18?
wow! what a pedophile!

by timothy santos terrerros February 12, 2016

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dating a 7th grader while you’re in 8th grade

donna morse is dating a 7th grader and is cheating on him with a 7th grader as well. donna is a pedophile

by virgiliswack February 22, 2020

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Someone who most likely has a Biden 2020 sticker on the back of their vehicle.

john "Hey! do you support Biden? you know he's a pedophile, right?"

joey "ya man! look in the back of my trunk"

by September 16, 2020

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most likely a minecraft youtuber

stop being a pedophile

by xX_coolmandude_XX9999 July 3, 2018

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