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skank pouch

1. Another Word for Slut Bag
2. A Uterus
3. The best insult to throw someone off guard because nobody uses it.

1: Sally: Gosh Miranda you're such a Skank Pouch!
Miranda: Whatever you Twat Waffle!
2. I hate my period, I just wanna rip out my skank pouch!
3. Suzie: I can't believe you slept with him! You.... SKANK POUCH!
Molly: Well... what? ...oh crap i'm so caught off guard, nobody has ever called me that before.

by theatregeek517 August 29, 2009

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Pouch Game

Game where you hide small objects in your foreskin and people have to figure out what's hidden by touching it.

Gargas went down to the Castro District with a marble in his foreskin to see if anyone wanted to play the pouch game.

by adalkurto July 31, 2009

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Butter Pouch

A vagina which is or was infected with a sexually transmitted disease which generally includes a discharge. e.g. Yeast infection, Vulvovaginitis, Chlamydia. Slang originated in Ottawa, ON.

I wouldn't stick my dick in her, she has a butter pouch.

by JayJay147589 August 2, 2018

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Shit Pouch

Mainly used in the gaming industry as an insult, derived from the Dutch as "Stront Pouch" to blame or insult other players as a result of their actions during gameplay ie: squad players/ team mates or enemies in game chat.

Bob: "Jeffrey is going psycho! He's on another rampage again"

Ricardo: "Yeah he's a real shit pouch"

by The Welsh Guy January 10, 2017

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palm pouch

When you are hitting your partner from the back and you cum in your hand and slap your partner and proceed to pound those cakes.

I gave my girlfriend a palm pouch last night.

by Pussywhisperer June 27, 2014

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brood pouch

a synonymous term for several commonly referenced parts of the human male's sex organs.

Jack Daniels has a steel brood pouch.

by krool April 29, 2011

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clam pouch

The area just north of the vagina and below the belly button.

My clam pouch is really swole up today.

by Diddlestixx December 21, 2013

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