Very famous sentence spoken by a random Dark Souls 3 character that could be really misunderstood if used out of context, especially because the character that uses this expression is a thot
"If I can PROVIDE THEE SUCCour, only tell me how"
Pratt was shocked that his friend saved her boyfriend's name as 'provider of protein'.
A failed cloud service provider.
I bought AWS cloud and I could never log in. What a puddle service provider.
Sticking your dick through a food item during a blowjob, to ensure that the giver is receiving the proper nutrients and able to have a little bite while giving you a massive BJ.
It's so awesome
"Bro... Last night when I was D-P ing Jessica, I gave her The Provider Manuever. She was so grateful for it"
"What food did you pick?"
The person who is receiving penetrative anal sex is ‘providing the brown’. This is this is similar, but different, to someone who is providing the pink.
Partner 1: “Do you like to receive anal sex?”
Partner 2: “Yeah, I love providing the brown.”
the real spelling of the word “provide”
A: Bro, do you know what we provid?
L: Fuck no, tell me
Pro covid-19, anti- vaxer. Someone who does not believe in vaccinations and would rather contract the virus!
That provid is talking crap again!