Source Code

primery purpose

Da intended use of da firing-cap on an ammo-cartridge.

One should be super-careful when handling a live round, especially since da primery purpose of da shiny little disc on da back end is to set off da powder-charge!

by QuacksO February 21, 2021

The purpose of tiktok

Wait......What purpose?

the purpose of tiktok is nonexistent

by Youcantusethisusernow1 May 26, 2023

Meaningful and Purposeful

Aw, but muffin... I mean... You said that was GOD a second ago. You said it was God... AND NOW, you're saying that it's kids? What happened to 'happiness?' You were mocking people for not being happy in a place where your great gram-gram got turned into chicken pot pie...

Hym "Ha! Sounds like a projection to me! Children make life more meaningful and purposeful... TO YOU! It sounds like other people's life's are less meaningful or purposeful to you. Sounds you think your life is more important than everybody else because your slut wife dumped out a couple of trophies for you.... But you're not. And neither are your kids. Your value is 1 and, in time, it will revert back to 0. The value of you children's life is 1. It will also revert to 0."

by Hym Iam July 17, 2023

On purpose

An accident but faking it

:Bullshit your doing it on purpose gracie

by Hjagdjns March 21, 2021

coastal purpose

Doing something to rep your whole entire coast.

I have a coastal purpose to make this rap.

by Complexity June 6, 2005

Multi-Purpose Universal Fixing Tool

A fucking big hammer.

The T.V's knackered again. Fetch me my Multi-Purpose Universal Fixing Tool.

by jujitsugeorge April 28, 2015

Purpose Envy

When someone feels envy/jealousy that someone has a purpose in life.

I was feeling so much purpose envy when I found out my new neighbor is committed to solving world hunger & I am committed to watch EVERYTHING on Netflix!!!

by @BigMac August 18, 2023