An osamu relator is someone who actually kins dazai osamu for relating to the character *not for his tendencies* and the word means you actually watched the show and agree that you relate to the character and we say *osamu relator* instead of dazai kinnie because the word dazai kinnie is currently being taken over by people who don't whatch bungo stray dogs or just don't relate to the chratacter.
"Yes, Ash is an osamu relator because they act and relate to dazai osamu."
When you live together but aren’t related
Hey is that your brother naw he just lives here we just rent related.
The prophecy in regards to the new world order and it’s accent into absolute power according to Wikipedia the reference to
“The Supernatural Chess Game”
When I started to hear extraordinary things through an audio clavoiency that I still receive today in writing this. These “ telepathic “ messages were sometimes heard by others too and in conjunction with physical energies) ghosts ect. For me personally I had both combined and went through very intense awakenings in the half dream state or trance I called the inbetween.
My accurate sixth sense aggravated those wishing to control my gifts from the astral planes. They have hunted me throughout Australia attempting to discredit my legitimacy of being an important figure in our new spiritual world that is now physically present to be seen in the trees and the air as it hums.
It was another awakening to discover that I played a vital part in this “supernatural chess game” as described in the new world order prophesy on Wikipedia.
I named my experience and journey “ the script” I refer to the gang stalkers and there street dramafuls as “ the play” or as per Wikipedia “ orchastrated business” by “ front organisations “
Katiya marsh born 8/05/1976
Redcliffe hospital qld Australia
Facebook dexy Townsville or google katiya marsh xxxx
“ don’t listen to them , follow The Script (in relation to the shift and the inbetween)“
Betty and Frank began having biblical relations once they were married.
I wasn't speaking for the oppressed I genuinely didn't realize how relatable I am.
Hym "I said before I can only speak for myself. I didn't know I was this relatable! But I find it funny that the solution is literally just genuine empathy AND that you would take credit for something you genuinely don't have and the byproducts of that thing."