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Basking Ridge

A rich misunderstood town. People who live there know that most of the kids are dumbasses and there are a lot of kids that have cut at one time or another. Half the town is rich and the other half either lives in the condos of Society Hill or somewhere else. A lot of the kids are preppy and even more of them live in the hills and wear A&F but think they are ghetto and try to act black. You know you're really in Basking Ridge when you see kids with popped collars and kids trying to be cool and "ghetto". There are also a ton of bands and Basking Ridge does have a ton of nice people, they're just a bit insane and misunderstood, yes misunderstood. Live there for your whole life and you'll know what I mean.

'Yeah I'm so ghetto''You're not ghetto, you're white and you wear A&F and pop the collar.'

by Marcus x3 August 25, 2005

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Stone Ridge

An all girls religious school located in Bethesda, Maryland. Very preppy and large focus on money. The school is very cliquey, with nasty, backstabbing girls. The sports are okay, the academics are fantastic. It is a hard school that prepares the students for college.

The girls can be very insecure, and the mothers are the same, clinging to each other and ignoring new families. Jealousy runs rampant as well as bullying. Bullying is a huge issue that has yet to be correctly addressed.

The girls are very competitive in academics, especially when college becomes an issue beginning in sophomore year.

The sister school of Georgetown Prep.

outside girl: I just applied to Brown. I hope i get it!

Stone Ridge Girl: ya....idk i heard it is super hard to get into. Who do you know there? What school do you go to?

outside girl: I go to (fill in the blank)....

SR Girl: oh.... im sure youll do fine........

by speakthetruth248 December 30, 2011

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maple ridge

Dope town in canada where you can walk up to anyone on the street and buy a sac off them

"hey you" yah whats up "can i get a sac off you man" yee no prob bro maple ridge is the bomb

by seany pp December 26, 2008

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bay ridge

"the land of bars and churches"...and arabs. Bay ridge is a town with a border, once you cross 76th towards 69th street its all hukas, arabs, that think they're tough and black or puerto rican, and muslims, the rest is Irish, Italian, Asian, a few black and hispanic, and rich people...only part of Bay Ridge is rich, those people live along shore road and thats it. Bay Ridge is also the place where the pussies from Dyker like to come and get drunk, pick a fight, lose, and run back to their mansions in Dyker. Dumb faggot rich kids are always giving Bay Ridge a bad name. Also, the only soft part of Bay Ridge are the Arabs, and white kids that are spoiled and think they are gangsta, but have a fucking trust fund. Arab teenagers are because they travel in packs, and pick on kids half their size and age, and call thirty of their cousins if they get in trouble. They don't know how to fight by themselves, can't stand up for themselves, and all talk like retarded gangstas. Oh, and noone from Bay Ridge calls it Spray Ridge!

DYKER KID 1: I wanna get blasted
DYKER KID 2: Lets go to Bay Ridge

by A-K January 9, 2008

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Glen Ridge

Glen Ridge is an NJ Yuppie suburb of Montclair, differentiated from it by being mostly white Catholics from New Jersey pretending to be yuppies despite their otherwise roots. Glen Ridge has the 3rd oldest house age in the country, and is distinguished by its excellent public schools with well-known drug and drinking problems. Almost 85% of the borough of Glen Ridge (population 7,500) is in a Victorian/Early 20th Century Historic District. Cindy Sherman is totally from Glen Ridge, and Tom Cruise spent the last few years of his educational career here, where he started acting. Glen Ridge is also known as the site of "Our Guys", when a number of high school jocks raped a mentally disabled girl and denied that it was rape. This was exacerbated by GRHS covering it up, though they all eventually were convicted. Since then, the jock culture has declined in GR, and though most students are very isolated, the most evil are no longer typically asshole jocks. Part of this is that no male sports team in Glen Ridge is considered prestigious because of a. The efforts of the town to dismantle the jock hierarchy, b. The small size of the town, and c. That everyone is too lazy and stoned/obsessed with their grades to care. The students tend to fall into either of those categories, and all seemed to be obsessed with drugs and alcohol as a shallow way to end their perpetual shelteredness and boredom. GRHSers (whom the town is still known for) are seen by Montclair teenagers as totally sheltered and sadly unhip. Most people are upper middle-class or wealthy, and tend to be people from NJ who lived in the city for awhile and then came back, as opposed to Montclairians, who are from NYC or other parts of the country and then moved to NJ, considering Montclair as the only place they would move to. Glen Ridge was once known for the institutionalized implicit racism of the Glen Ridge Country Club, a now all-but-defunct standard. Adults from GR are called Ridgeroos, while kids are called Ridgers, after the sports teams.

Man, everyone in Glen Ridge is really white!
Yeah...but at least they're not that pretentious...

by JLe March 6, 2005

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basking ridge

A really cool town in New Jersey. As seen in previous definitions, a common theme in this town is just to make fun of it and hate on it. These people are idiots and have nothing better to do. It is a cool town with cool people for the most part and is within driving distance of lots of good things to do.

"Oh this town is SSSOOO lame, there's NNOOOTTTHHHING to do!!! wah wah!"

by Jesus February 12, 2005

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Cornhole ridge

This is the same as the gooch or the grundle. Just another term for it.

Getting kicked in the cornhole ridge sucks.

by GerhardGisela October 7, 2006

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