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Short sharpy

A quick beer with one of the boys

Greg said “Should we head next door for a short sharpy or what cob?”

by Rewzone July 15, 2021


A marker that makes you high like Jeff Spicoli when you smell it.

Don’t smell that Sharpie! You’ll get high.

by Aunt Edna April 9, 2020


A modern legend, a man looked up to as a hero. Originating from C.Sharpe, the man from peterborough who invented the legendary SharpieTM marker. C. Sharpe then became an uberr pimp, and may take what he wishes from the female sex.

Guy 1 "OMG that guys awesome! look at how the ladies love him"
Guy 2 " Such a Sharpie"

by bobby714 June 29, 2008


something that callum markie eats on a regular basis now he is a london tory

person one: cam have you seen where the sharpies have gone?
person two: last time i saw them callum markie was eating them

by louiselovesrt September 23, 2019


Sharp card for a plan

Don't worry about following his direction I've got a sharpie to go by

by Cnote the crow November 17, 2021



you fucking sharpie

by FUCLEJ January 10, 2021


An ultra fine figure who creates beautiful things and is admired by a plethora of people. Sharpie can attract the eye of many and still be hated by few people but there will always be people that will care for Sharpie.

Have you seen Sharpie walk by, what a blessing to my eyes!

by Lollylover8991 September 24, 2018