To call dibs on something that over-rules all other 'shotties' or dibs used in the same sequence.
Tim: 'I shotgun front seat'
Russ: 'I ultimate shotties front seat'
Tim: 'Fuck good shotties'
Tim: 'I shotgun front seat'
Russ: 'I ultimate shotties front seat'
Tim: 'Fuck good shotties'
Short for “parking lot shorty”
A female companion who has been left in the passenger seat of her man’s car while he shops. Common sight at Walmart, liquor stores and other low class retailers
Common lot shotty activities include playing candy crush, adjusting their makeup and yelling “I have a boyfriend” and passing men
Went to Walmart today and the parking lot was full of obese lot shotty’s
Some lot shotty yelled at my for checking her out
girl bends over in front of the guy.
as the guy hits the bong, the girl bends up.
then the guy pushes her stomach.
you got bud? well call me up in the morning, i'll give you an elevator shottie.
yeh basically it’s a cheap easy way to get high. yeh a shottie is a normally a small plastic bottle with a hole burnt in for ur tube (normally £2 from ur local dodgy store) also metal straws rolled up cans, metal pens, jusy anything metal. then add some water that comes a little bit higher that the tube add a thumb hole and ur just about ready to make ur transfer into a poor stoner. roll up a little ball of bacci (tobacco) and grind ur sweet green and powder it on top, or add ur weed to a bowl and pack it down or if u got a skinny tube pull of a nug press it in to the tube and ur ready for the rip. place ur lips over the bottle, put ur lighter to the weed, (cream it (inhale so the weed burns) then pull it (inhale hard to pull down the tobacco and weed) now ur 1 of 3 things, a pro stoner, a new stoner or ur a bitch for plugging it (not inhaling hard enough)
chav “yo cuz u sort draw”
skateboarder “yes bruv wys u want tenns”
chav “here u go bruv, u got a shottie”
skateboard “yeh man make ur self comfy”
5 mins later
skateboarder “yo man u plugged it 5 times inna row stick to joints man”
When a woman douches with alcohol then queefs the liquid into their partners mouth.
Last night my boyfriend asked me, "you want to do a twatty shotty, shawty?"