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web site

A place on the internet where: 1. Someone goes to rant their feelings. 2. Someone tries to sell something. 3. Someone tries to get peoples' e-mail addresses. 4. Someone distributes images of a pornographic nature. 5. People have convened to create a clique/fansite dedicated to some celebrity/band/whatever. 6. People go to for information i.e. looking up definitions of words. 7. Some geek posts hints/strategies to find secret levels in some nerdy games. 8. Someone can just play around with HTML and Java/other coding stuff. 9. Whatever; Insert comment here___.

There are web sites by pre-teens with "cartoon dollz" and the like. And then there are web sites, called "blogs" (web - logs), where people rant out things. (i.e. www.star-lit-eyes.com) There are also VERY bright colored sites, with many pixelated images (i.e. www.super-duper.net or maybe www.celestial-sodapop.net) Then there are also web sites in progress that suck. (i.e. www.cosmiccandy.i8.com) Also, there are websites that are graphic warehouses/distrubutors(i.e. www.peachie.nu) And there are also tutorial sites, as well as butt-ugly sites with the MOST horrendous colors and such. There's much more....but I'm getting hungry...

by xX_eternal_dream_Xx July 16, 2003

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web site

a page viewed on the internet

urbandictionary.com is a kick-ass web site

by Ed July 23, 2003

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Bro site

A website for bros.

battlecam.com is such a bro site

by fuckclown312 February 17, 2011

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Worst Shock Site

Some of the craziest shock sites ever. Here is a run-down of all the crazy shit on these shock sites.
1guy1jar - A video of a man slowly getting down on a glass jar, until it breaks and he starts bleeding everywhere.
Dancingsnake.com - Basically, it's a sexual GIF.
Meatspinnetwork - Every fucking shock site you could imagine.
Worst picture EVAR - A long, long, long, long, picture containing gore and porn.
Overall, the worst one is Worst Picture Evar and Offended.

Guy 1: What's the worst shock site?
Guy 2: Dancingsnake.com
Guy 3: No! It's 1guy1jar
Guy 2: You are wrong. It's The Pain Series.
Guy 4: All of you are wrong. It is 2girls1cup.
Guy 2 and 3: NOOOO!!!!!
Guy 1: I don't know which one to believe.
Lua: Me neither.

by LuaGunsX December 21, 2022

Detroit Dump Site

Sex act where you fist someone until it's loose enough for you to take a shit in their asshole.

Last night I fisted Pam so much I was able to do a Detroit Dump Site.

by CheeseCunt October 11, 2011

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Dead site

A website that has not been visited or has had any changes in a very long time but is still on the internet. This site is considered to be dead. Dead sites can be revived.

abynrml.com is a dead site because it hasn't been used in 3 years.

by powergannon July 22, 2010

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When you go to a (music)band's website and listen to the music on it to find out if you like them or not.

A Person who Down-Sites is a Down-Siter

"I went on some Down-Sites last night and found loads of good bands!"

by Sk8r Zim March 5, 2006

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