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When you go to the doctor to get a physical and the nurse feels your boobs

when i went for my physical, i got aroused when the nurse gave me a snitchely

by Julian Massy October 15, 2003

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A coward that cant be honest about the actions they have made to put themselves in a situation or cant confess their actions so they feel that they need to call the police to intervien in their lives because they are lying cowards that cant handle what they've started due to their actions!

She called the cops on me because i was gonna beat her hoe ass for lying to me about being a hoe even though i got proof of her being a hoe! Thats a fucken snitch

by Defenition of a snitch March 8, 2021

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A popular rapper known for rainbows and getting put in jail

Yo you heard about the rapper 6ix9ine? I heard he is a snitch.

by ReapeR ุช September 3, 2020

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to tell on a living thing to something that has authority over that living thing which you are telling on or to something that leads to something telling on a living thing to something that has authority over that living thing which you are telling on.

The old man saw 2 kids settling real buisness with a fight and snitched to the cops.

by The realist cracka out here June 13, 2015

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A popular excuse for a reason someone's in jail for breaking the law--they blame it on the person reporting them, no not tattling on them, for being a 'snitch'. When in reality, when your telling the police about a criminal it's reporting, not 'being a snitch'.

Yo bitch, why u gotta' be such a snitch dude? You're such a weak lil' pussy! Get a fukin' life mate no one likes you.

by CanadianBaka July 10, 2017

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A person who often talks to a "higher-up" about an issue that is never serious and only wants to see an employee get in trouble. Emphasis on getting the employee in trouble.

Example: The kind of person who wants to talk to the manager at the store or restaurant to get an employee in trouble; the customer NEVER cares if the employee improves, they want them to get in trouble instead of commenting or working something out about the etiquette of said employee. Extremely common in the United States supermarkets/superstores coming from abusive customers but unheard of in many other countries.

Very common within Supermarket/Superstore settings where the complaints tend to be common against employees who are often miserable or are going through a difficult time in life and cannot always provide a smile.

Person 1: some lady reported me to management because I was speaking in a monotone accent, yawned a few times and I didn't give her a smile. I wasn't misbehaving or disrespecting her but I was exhausted so admittedly I couldn't really speak in a happy accent.
Person 2: Wow, what a snitch. She didn't even take time to ask if you were doing ok.

by Dentiirion November 7, 2017

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that certain part of the female anatomy that gets wet without water and dry without sand.

There is to be no slang words used for that certain part of the female anatomy that gets wet without water and dry without sand. Snitch is the only appropriate word.

by Alan Flozenstein June 29, 2007

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